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Москва, готов к переезду (Австрия, Германия, Дания, Минск, Нидерланды, Норвегия, Швейцария, Швеция), готов к командировкам

QA & automation test development & DevOps

300 000  на руки

  • DevOps-инженер
  • Программист, разработчик
  • Руководитель группы разработки
  • Тестировщик

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость

График работы: полный день, гибкий график, удаленная работа

Опыт работы 19 лет 7 месяцев

Сентябрь 2017Апрель 2023
5 лет 8 месяцев
Intel - Poland


Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

QA Software engineer
- Python automation for the NN(neural network) library testing, e2e, performance testing and analysis on Linux/Windows platforms. TeamCity/GTAX (PEST API) automation. CI Test base support and integration. Functional/performance analysis, Bug tracking, and reporting. - Performance automation(web application development and support, python, bash and integration testing with the GitHub Actions and TeamCity), monitoring, analysis, bug tracking. - Machine pools setup for development team, monitoring and support, configuration docker containers pool for the CI/CD tools like: TeamCity / Jenkins / GitHub Actions(20+ docker containers, 40+ test pipelines created to support development team). TeamCity / GitHub Actions / Jenkins pipeline automation. - Testing base / CI pipelines migration from TeamCity to GitHub Actions(python, bash, yaml, web integration, docker/docker compose)
Апрель 2006Сентябрь 2017
11 лет 6 месяцев
IBM Russia > Luxoft

Россия, www.ibm.com

QA Software engineer
Hardware:IBM PC compatibles Operating system: IBM Mainframe z/OS V1R09- V1R14, z/VM, VM, CP, CMS,USS.Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista Programming languages: HLASM, PL/X, JCL, CTT/ZTT/REXX, C/C++, Visual C++/.NET&MFC,HTML/DHTML, XML/XSL/XSLT Software Tools: RMM Project QA Team Leader (5+ team members). FVT test processes support: - Development Test plans for IBM RMM component testing - Manual test cases execution, results analysis, tracking defects and reporting, tests automation for RMM Regression basket - Regression tests execution (weekly, monthly or by development requests) and problem analyzing - Quality operation control and troubleshooting Supporting SVT test processes: - Education new test team members, consulting and troubleshooting - Opening defects and Problems analyzing - Prepare Test documents for the audit IPCS Project - Test Automation, testing tool architecture design/redesign, development and support using the JCL/ REXX/ PLX/ CTT/ ZTT/ JCLGEN/ Linux(BASH) for z/OS V1R09-V2R2. - Development and design web UI for RT execution and integration this new web user interface into the regression testing process using z/OS/USS/JCL/REXX,XML/XSL/JSON, AJAX/JavaScript/Node.js and HTML Some Hobby projects: - Development Chart/VoIP/Video application for real time communication using TCP/IP client/server architecture. - Arduino/Freeduino development (hobby) projects based on the dc motors, brushless motors, servos, 3-axis Gyros/3-axis Acceleration, Ultrasonic Sensors, remote control with the xBee shields, via Mobile phone(Android 4.2-5.0+) and HC-06 Bluetooth module for the Arduino, etc.
Октябрь 2003Апрель 2006
2 года 7 месяцев
OOO DitronBel
Senior software engineer
Hardware: IBM PC compatibles Operating system: Windows 98/2000/XP Programming languages: C/C++, Visual C++/.NET&MFC, GUI, ActiveX/OLE POS, ODBC, ADO, SQL, HTML/DHTML, XML/XSL/XSLT, OOP. Database: MS SQL Server 2000, MS Access 2000, MS Access,SQLight, FireBird, DBF. Software Tools: Visual C++ 7.0/.NET, MS Access, SQLight, FireBird Network/Communication: TCP/IP, UDP/IP, TAPI, ISAPI, COM PORT programming Type of Applications: Software architecture design, development FrontOffice, BackOffice and On-Line/Off-Line servers for DITRON cash registers, testing, supporting and consulting. Development software application for stock managers, supporting and troubleshooting. Database design and development universal database editor software. More: • Development on-line “Front-Office” application for working with DITRON electronic cash register(ECR) in the on-line mode(via RS232/485) with barcode scanner connected to any PC serial port and Customer line display. Development “ScaleSoft” software application for Russian scale MassaK VP15-T2(upload/clear items into the scale expansion board, keyboard programming). Development software for Portable Data Terminal Module for Reading data from BarCode Terminal Cipher Lab CPT-8001 and software for edition and exporting data into the account and stock software • Development “DITRON On-Line server” for the DITRON 200CS ECR. ECRs connect to PC via RS485 interface. Internal codes, BarCode(EAN13), Customer cards, discounts supported by “DITRON On-Line server”. Export/Import into/from server database. • Export/import sale/items information from/to on-line Front-Office database. Generation sale reports in XML/XSL/XSLT and text files for the next presentation in the sale reoprt. All devices connected to the Front-Office: a) Customer Line Display(command set tables: Firich, Aedex, DSP800, Epson) b) BarCode Scanner(COM, USB, PS/2) c) Electronic Cash register(DITRON EU200CS, DITRON 258T) d) Friendly GUI device settings • Development TAPI software application(send/receive sale information via GSM-line “modem/GSM <-> modem/GSM”). • Development Retorts generation technology for stock software application. • Software architecture design, supporting, consulting and troubleshooting. • Web-site development. Technology – ISAPI, JavaScript, Asp, DB.


Уровни владения навыками

Опыт вождения

Права категории A, B

Обо мне

SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS • Successful background in development of database systems and Visual C++ applications using object oriented methodologies and advanced tools, system analysis, technical support and troubleshooting. • More ten years of software development experience with extensive knowledge of Visual C++&MFC, GDI, GUI, VS.NET. Development client/server applications, TAPI, ISAPI, TCP/IP, UDP/IP, NamedPipe, Serial port programming, Ping and multithreading, Win32API, Borland C++ Builder & VCL, Web development, COM/DCOM technologies, object-oriented modeling and design. BDE, ADO, ODBC, DAO, Process, Threads, Files, STL, collection classes, template-based collection classes, doubly-linked lists, obarray and etc. • IBM Mainframe programming background: languages: HLASM, PL/X, JCL, CTT/ZTT/REXX software development for z/OS. Tools: USS,ISPF,SDSF,SPA,CMVC, VICOM,TSO,IPCS. SUMMARY OF PROGRAMMING EXPERIENCE IBM Hardware Mainframe, S390VM, z/VM,IBM PC compatibles IBM OS z-Series platforms: z/OS, z/VM, VM, CP, CMS Microsoft Operating system: Windows NT, Windows 95/2000/XP DOS IBM Programming languages: HLASM, PL/X, JCL,REXX Programming languages: Visual C++&MFC C/C++(12 years) Win32 API,SQL,Pascal,JavaScript, Visual Test,Asm,DHTML/HTML,XML/XSL/ XSLT, Database: MS Access,MS SQL Server 2000,FireBirdDB,Oracle Network/Communication: TCP/IP, UDP\IP, NamedPipe,ISAPI, TAPI, Serial port programming IBM Software Tools: ISPF, SDSF, TSO, VICOM, SPA, CMVC Build390,CTT/ZTT Software Tools: MS Access 97, MS Office 97/2000/XP MS Visual C++ 4.0 - .NET&MFC(12 years) MS Visual InterDev 6.0 HTML, FrontPage

Высшее образование

Belarusian State University
Department of Business and Information Technology, Economist-analyst
Belarusian State University
Department of Atomic Physics and Physical Informatics, Engineer-physicist

Знание языков


АнглийскийC1 — Продвинутый

БелорусскийC2 — В совершенстве

НемецкийA1 — Начальный

ПольскийA2 — Элементарный

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Беларусь

Разрешение на работу: Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения