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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Female, 38 years, born on 14 October 1986
Not looking for a job
Dubna (Moscow region), I want to relocate (Norway), prepared for occasional business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
Programmer \ Mathematician \ Analyst \ C ++ Developer
3 000 € in hand
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule
Work experience 12 years 4 months
November 2023 — currently
1 year 5 months
Information Center "Barricades"
Moscow, горизонт-вс.рф/
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Chief Developer of the Systems Department
Developing new options and programs for the Gorizont-VS hypervisor in C++, fixing bugs, improving code.
Working with git, docker, gitlab on remote servers and virtual machines, access via ssh.
Often using sql queries both in the terminal and in the code. Working with someone else's code, with different coding styles.
Stack: c\c++, mysql, giit, gitlab, docker, bash
July 2020 — November 2023
3 years 5 months
JINR, Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems
Dubna (Moscow region), www.jinr.ru/
Educational Institutions... Show more
Software engineer
- Research of ready-made modules and frameworks for their suitability for specific tasks of the institute;
- Writing multithreaded frameworks for parallelization of tasks and exchange of information between cores and machines, increasing the productivity of processes;
- Participation in writing scientific articles;
- Participation in internal conferences of the institute in English.
Stack: C++, root, ZeroMQ, openmpi_hdf5, tbb.
May 2017 — July 2020
3 years 3 months
Dubna (Moscow region), nordavind.ru/
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
C ++ developer
- Working with code, which is not by myself;
- Participation in the development and technical support of software products Compass, SmartStation, CrowdFilming, CardioClaud.
- Development from scratch of utilities for the CardioClaud backend: automatic analysis of cardiovascular pathologies;
- Development of a module that smooths out sound effects at the joints of CrowdFilming editing;
- Writing documentation for your own developments.
Stack: C++, Qt, bash
September 2014 — May 2017
2 years 9 months
Research Institute of Applied Acoustics
Dubna (Moscow region), www.niipa.ru/
Educational Institutions... Show more
Software engineer
Software development and other work in accordance with the terms of reference using C ++ in the Qt-4.8.6, Qt-5.0.1, opencv-2.4.9 environments (build for mingw, MVS-2010): embedded video stream processing modules and individual frames (for example, online slicing, digital zoom, reading and writing online metadata, setting deinterlacing filters, etc.), software applications for testing modules, geo-process models for GPS navigation ; exploring new software environments (such as the intel video metadata framework SDK); preparation of documentation for software applications, translation of documentation from foreign languages, preparation of reports on software, assembly of software environments for Windows-7, writing parsers using flex & bison.
Stack: C++, Qt, cmake, qmake, avisynth, opencv, windows-7
November 2012 — July 2014
1 year 9 months
Dubna (Moscow region), jinr.ru
Educational Institutions... Show more
Researcher (work contract)
Software for mpd-detector, work with histograms in the root-cern system, development of methods for measuring fractal dimension by the Higuchi method, work in Linux, ssh. Site correction about mpd-detector.
Stack: c, c++, root
Skill proficiency levels
About me
I develop multithreaded applications, embedded modules, console utilities, I can work with someone else's code, I refine existing modules, I can also do code reviews, write texts and articles in both Russian and English, I have experience participating in English-language conferences, conducting business correspondence and negotiations. I am actively studying Norwegian and improving my English
Higher education
International University of Nature, Society and Man "Dubna", Dubna
Systems analysis and management (postgraduate study) , Research instructor
International University of Nature, Society and Man "Dubna", Dubna
Faculty of Natural and Engineering Sciences , Nuclear Physics (Master)
Omsk State University F.M. Dostoevsky, Omsk
Faculty of Physics , Medical physics
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter