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Male, 60 years, born on 27 October 1964

Actively searching for a job

Beloozersk, willing to relocate (Belarus, Bereza, Other regions, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Uzbekistan, Finland, France, Estonia), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Finishing works Supervisor. Fit-Out

  • Other

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 18 years 1 month

September 2022December 2022
4 months
ООО "Aleksandrion"


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Foreman. Construction and finishing work on production sites enterprises. Placement of people, ordering of material, percentages. Execution of executive documentation. Accounting of completed works and design technical documentation, acts of hidden works. Conduction magazines. Organization of finishing works and execution in accordance project documentation, sanitary norms and rules. Interation with representatives customer and technical supervision. Worker Management process in compliance with safety precautions, rules of labor protection.
March 2021August 2021
6 months
KM DOM,Sр.z.o.o


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Repair of apartments in Mulhouse. Order and payment of materials. Placement of people. Optimization of the working process. Communication with the customer. Change apartments. Common questions. Left because of Covid- 19.( failed vaccination).
October 2019January 2020
4 months
Proservis Sp.z.o.o


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Work with documentation. Placement of people. Works in administrative- former complexes. Approval of changes in the project ( in Polish and according to Polish requirements), maintenance of timesheets, ordering of tools. Participation in meetings. Interection with the Polish technical supervision. Resigned in connection with father 's funeral.
January 2019August 2019
8 months
Stab Group Sp.z.o.o.


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Foreman finishing work (fit-out).
Dismantling and subsequent finishing works in the shopping center "Park Handlowy EDEN" (11,000 m2). Gm.Zgorzelec, Lower Silesian Voivodeship Preparation of measurements, placements and assessment of the work. Implementation of the current supervision of group under control and the process of construction work performed by this group. Participation in conferences at the construction site. Following established safety rules and regulations and maintaining a safe and clean environment, work carefully to ensure safety and product quality. Work closely with recruiters to gather information from hiring managers to develop and execute sourcing strategies; cooperation with suppliers, coordinating the supply of materials, constant monitoring of the consumption of materials, the solution of technical problems that arise during the performance of assigned tasks; conducting ongoing technical advice. Supervision of the implementation of works in accordance with the project. Constant monitoring of the schedule.
March 2018January 2019
11 months
Individual entrepreneurship / private practice / freelancing


Master foreman
Conducting finishing work (apartments, cottages) with private individuals according to their design projects. Calculation and selection of material. Cooperation with the designer. Staff selection.
June 2017February 2018
9 months

Russia, www.interbudmontazh.com

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Finishing and general construction work at the metro station "Rasskazovka". Implementation of the documentation at the placement (log of general works, entrance control, waterproofing works). Organization of the construction and finishing works with a clear target. Strong attention to detail and ability to multi-task. Work on several objects at the same time. Work with technical documentation. Distribution of people on the site. Submission of applications for construction machines, transportation, materials. Calculation of the scope of work and the need for materials. Organization of construction and finishing works with a clear statement of the problem. Control of quality and finishing work on time.
August 2016May 2017
10 months
Construction firma (Antares").RР.


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Supervisor (fit-out). Foreman finishing work (fit-out)/ construction manager (supervisor)
The opening of the Moscow. Manual building and finishing works (brand clothing stores 4 magazina- in the existing shopping center) Control of painting and decorating project. Tight deadlines. Writing applications for materials and equipment. Making naryad- tolerance permits. Direct, organization and supervision of a crew on the job site for quality work and efficient production. Organization of delivery of material to the site. Executive documentation. Finishing work on time.
December 2015July 2016
8 months
Crown Castle building constracting LLC.UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. DUBAI.


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Supervisor (fit-out).
United Arab EMIRATY. DUBAI. Organization of firms work "from the ground up". Repair of apartments, beauty salons in elite areas-Dubay Marina, Burj Khalifa. (Appartaments) .The calculation of volumes of work (work estimate), Staff selection. It was multinational company. Preparation of applications based on MRW-form, Material Sefaty Data Sheet (MSDS). Preparation and supervision aof work progress reports according to customer request (GB). Microsoft Оffice, AutoCAD (user). The end of the project.
August 2015December 2015
5 months
Ltd "TSM"

Saint Petersburg

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Supervisor (fit-out).
Opening and closing of the object. Organization and conduction of finishing works at the business centre “Victorya” Plaza. The distribution of workers on workplaces. Acceptance of work tasks according to SNiP and GOST. Measurement of made volumes. Cooperation with designers. Provision of staff with necessary tool. Safety-meeting. Setting targets for the installation of finishing.
June 2013January 2015
1 year 8 months
OOO "ASK Patterani" .Gas and Chemical Novourengoysky compl full employment., г. Novy Urengoy Gas and Chemical Novourengoysky compl,

Novy Urengoy

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Stantard duties of a supervisor. I was working on several objects at the same time. I was at the head of the team of 30 people. One of the members of the commission which accepted the end of the work. Coordinated work with the customer and control services. Evaluated the quality control of performed work. Design, technical maintenance, reporting documentation. Subject tracking (Project 442-08) of 1500 m2 (gas safety station) with * zero * cycle, work with the supervision, supervision of the customer registration form 6A COP, COP-2, conducting special journals and other normative and technical documentation, training facility to delivery to the customer, design, act of acceptance documentation, commissioning. The new object (project 535-08) 4500 m2 -ABK Novy (Novy Urengoy Gas and Chemical Complex (Gazprom) in Novy Urengoy) with * zero *. Reconstruction and finishing. Team leadership, 50-70 people. Putting into operation. Proekt3604 / 4.1.10. St.etilen. Administrative building. Removal of comments. Putting into operation. I.o.glavnogo engineer.
December 2012March 2013
4 months
Ltd. Rosengineering., г. Sochi. Krasnaya Polyana full employment


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Foreman finishing work with the duties of superintendent
Master of finishing work with the duties of superintendent Ltd. Rosengineering, Sochi, Krasnaya Polyana, full employment. The alignment of people. Monitoring of e-tools. Order material. Measurements. Payroll. Coordination of design changes. Monitoring compliance with technological processes, ensuring high quality finishing. Control of receipt of materials, the consumption of materials. Autonomy in decision-making. Team management, customer interaction, with technical supervision. Work with the project documentation. The act of transmission / reception rooms. Knowledge of building codes, Guest..
March 2011July 2012
1 year 5 months
CHYSP "SVYAT", Brest, full employment.


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Foreman finishing works
Selection and calculation of the material. Control over the arrangement of people. Agreement of changes in the project. Knowledge of the entire cycle of finishing works. Control of extent of the work performed. Compilation of defective statements, intermediate certificates, estimates for the additional work, acts of the hidden works. Keeping time sheets. Local budget calculation, calculation of building materials. The detailed cost estimates, the calculation of aggregate specifications (particular estimate).
June 2008May 2009
1 year
ООО SK "Felix".,


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Foreman finishing works
Experience in managing integrated teams composed of 25-40 people (1 year). A full range of finishing work at the elite cottage village for VIP guests Gazprom; material management; calculation and selection of materials; monitoring compliance with technology and quality in the process of finishing works; experience and knowledge of modern finishing technologies. The measurement of actually performed works.
January 2000June 2008
8 years 6 months
SK "Felix",

Gubkinsky, www.felix.by

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Working with drawings and layout, installing fixtures, insulation and installation of ventilated facades. Installation of multi-level ceilings of GCR. installation of a roof METROBOND. Floor laying of stacked sheets GVL (KNAUF). Tile, high-quality plaster, putty. (All-specialty category 4) Brigadier. Admission to the CBC BrGPU in 2006. Application of Venetian plaster, decorative coatings, decor lazuli.


Skill proficiency levels
Работа на *линии*.Знание современных отделочны работ.Знание современных строительных материалов.
Чтение проектно-сметной документации.
Опыт ведения переговоров
Взаимодействие с заказчиком,подрядчиком,технадзором.
Расчет и подбор материала.
Оформление документации.
Estimates. × Adjustment of the project. Work at × * line *
.Znanie modern finishing rabot.Znanie modern building materials. × Reading design and estimate docum

Driving experience

Driver's license category D

About me

Kommunikabelen.Nekonflikten.Rabota in kollektive.Initsiativen.Punktualen.Samostoyatelen in making resheniy.Legko similar to those of humans. Hobby-fiction, nature, repair and furnish the apartment with his hands, the study and development of new finishing technologies.


Higher education

Brest State Polytechnic University Higher education, correspondence courses.
. Department: Industrial and civil construction (CBC) Construction of buildings and structures, : Construction of buildings and structures
Belorussian Polytechnic Institute (Минск)
Faculty of Mechanics and Technology, Speciality: metallurgy and heat treatment of metals



EnglishA1 — Basic

PolishA1 — Basic

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Belarusian Polytechnic Institute
Faculty of Mechanics and Technology,, Metallurgical engineer

Tests, examinations

Национ. реестр специалистов в области строительства.Идентификационный номер Специалиста С-77-120601.Решение комиссии от 20 ноября 2017 г.N105.
The All-Russian Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organization, the All-Russian Industrial Association of Employers., Organ. and pro. of construction and installation work, including on especially dangerous, technically complex and unique objects
АНО ДПО "Институт профессионального обучения промышленной безопасности, ПГС,рег.номер 7/1БС-30(о)08
Институт профессионального обучения, Org.and prod.of construction and installation work, including on especially dangerous, technically complex and unique objects "

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Belarus

Desired travel time to work: Up to 90 minutes