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Мужчина, 46 лет, родился 25 августа 1978
Астана, готов к переезду (Австралия, Германия, Нидерланды, Новая Зеландия, Норвегия, Россия, Финляндия, Южная Корея), готов к командировкам
IT Director, Project Manager, Managing director
1 500 $ на руки
- Руководитель группы разработки
Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа
График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 22 года 10 месяцев
Октябрь 2020 — по настоящее время
4 года 7 месяцев
Финансовый сектор... Показать еще
Data analyst
- Processing, research and interpretation of data
- Scrum Master - User stories, tasks and backlog management
- New products implementation in terms of business process
Сентябрь 2015 — по настоящее время
9 лет 8 месяцев
Analysis of start-ups in Blockchain technology
Blockchain specialist
• Exploring start-ups based on Blockchain technologies
• research of venture investments in the market of high technologies;
• consultations on promising ideas, analysis of the working model effectiveness;
• Ie, Design and build training material to support deliverables
Март 2015 — Сентябрь 2015
7 месяцев
Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education
Медицина, фармацевтика, аптеки... Показать еще
Managing Director
Participation in strategic and operational management processes and analysis of the current technological infrastructure of the company to bring it in line with strategic plans.
Working closely with project managers to ensure optimal allocation and use of technological resources.
Bringing to the operating components of the IT management process model, built with ITIL standards.
Regular audits and update management processes operating on standard IT components CobIT.
Strategic and operational planning to achieve the objectives, the search for innovation, prioritize, deploy and manage current and future IT systems across the organization.
Tracking and monitoring of operating and capital budget information technology.
Cost analysis of IT spending.
Assessment and recommendations for improvement or reorganization of the IT department.
Coordination and consultation with stakeholders to identify business requirements for new solutions in the field of information technology.
Maintenance personnel policy in the management of information technology.
Май 2014 — Март 2015
11 месяцев
Presidential Archive of Republic of Kazakhstan
Deputy Director
Organization and control of the following departments:
o Department of Information and methodical work;
o Department of scientific publishing documents;
o Department of information retrieval systems;
o Department of archival technologies.
• Managing electronic archive system implementation within an organization and among other archives (IBM FileNet, Kofax Acent Capture).
Май 2010 — Июнь 2013
3 года 2 месяца
JSC «Astana-finance»
Финансовый сектор... Показать еще
Chief Information Officer
• Organization and control of department activities;
• Conduct of negotiations, formation of contracts;
• Project support of SAP AG products;
• Project support of Temenos T24 bank system;
• Assessment of the level of technological complexity of projects and technology audit.
Октябрь 2008 — Май 2010
1 год 8 месяцев
LLC «Tandem», Astana
Управление многопрофильными активами... Показать еще
Development Director
• Preparations for the opening and management of the entertainment center King Hotel and Restaurant "Kazbar"
• Recruiting and training
• Analysis of suppliers
• Budgeting
• Analysis of market and competitors
Август 2007 — Июль 2009
2 года
JSC “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”
IT and Quality Management Department director
• Organization and control of department activities
• Carrying out of work together with involved managements of Joint-stock company " National company " KazakhstanTemirZholy ", the Main computer center of information and communication development department, the Main computer center Moscow r.w., the All-Russia scientific research institute of a railway transportation (ВНИИЖТ), the All-Russia scientific research institute of the automated systems (ВНИИАС), etc.
• Control over installation and introduction of the new development, the automated workplaces (АРМов), the automated program complexes (agrarian and industrial complex), the automated control systems "Express"
• Technical writing at rollout of new tasks for "Express" information system
• General support and maintenance companywide online document distribution system IBM Lotus Notes
• Description of business and technological processes in organizations
• Rollout and support of the integrated quality management system (ISO 9001:2000)
• Interaction with certification company
• Development and support of a web-site and WAP version
participation in implementation of the project «Centralization of a control system by an infrastructure»
participation in implementation of the project «Modernization of a corporate information portal»
participation in implementation of the project «Personnel Management System»
Март 2007 — Август 2007
6 месяцев
JSC “Glotur”, Astana
Director of branch
• Organization and control of company activities;
• Management of Company’s activity, bearing all completeness of the responsibility for consequences of made decisions;
• Acceptance of measures on maintenance of the enterprise with qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience to make offers in questions of placement of personnel;
• Determination and control of organization chart;
• Conduct of negotiations, formation of contracts;
• Project management:
participation in implementation of the project "the Selective control and management of risks” information system "Electronic customs" for Committee of the customs control of the Ministry of Finance of Republic Kazakhstan
Февраль 2004 — Февраль 2007
3 года 1 месяц
Investment Fund of Kazakhstan, Almaty
Head of Information Technology and Security Department
• Technological studies, installation and maintenance of new products (MS ISA Server 2006, Share Point Portal 2003, MS Project Server 2002-2003, Project Expert 7, IP telephony and other)
• Installation and maintenance of companywide online document distribution system DocsVision
• Development, installation and maintenance of finance monitoring system based on Microsoft
• Description of business and technological processes in organizations
• Organization and control of department activities
• Project management, selection and preparation of infrastructure and interindustrial projects for financing, control and completion of the projects
participation in the project " Space monitoring natural and industrial targets "
participation in the project "Creation of national identification biometric system "IN-BIO" and the environment of multipurpose terminals of access to electronic services"
participation in the project "the International logistical center (ILC)"
• Provided web development and support on the company’s Internet and Intranet sites
Март 2002 — Январь 2004
1 год 11 месяцев
KPO b. v. (Karachaganak Petroleum Operating b. v.), Aksai, Kazakhstan
IT Instructor/Consultant through PITC Company
• Conducting classes for company personnel (Windows 2000/XP, Power DOCs, LAN/WAN)
• Information Security
• Training of a core team to provide support to an international customer base
Февраль 2001 — Июль 2001
6 месяцев
Proteome Inc., Beverly, USA
System Administrator
• Provided technical support to users relating to software and hardware issues. Configured new PCs (Windows NT/Me/2000) and Macs (OS 9/X), HP printers, VPN, Solaris, RedHat Linux 6.2-7.1
• Establishing strategic and operational direction for the LAN/WAN environment
• Managed and delivered a web site for the company. Design of the company’s business brochure.
Уровни владения навыками
Обо мне
Machine Learning and Data Science.
Programming (SQL, Python). Knowledge of Google Adwords, Yandex direct, Facebook Ads Manager
Knowledge of security and fire equipment, access control systems and video surveillance.
Высшее образование (Бакалавр)
Johns Hopkins University
Data Science, Executive Data Science
Blockchain Revolution
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, MA
Business Information Systems, Bachelor
Bentley College, ISE (International students of English)
courses in advanced English
Kurmangazi Music School, Atyrau
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
University of Michigan
https://www.coursera.org/, Python for Everybody Specialization
www.coursera.org, Blockchain Revolution Specialization
Johns Hopkins University
https://www.coursera.org/, Executive Data Science Specialization
Coursera Project Network
www.coursera.org, Integrating Supply Chain by Applying Blockchain Technology
National Research Tomsk State University, ScrumTrek & E-Learning Development Fund
www.coursera.org, Agile and Scrum in working on projects and products
University of California Davis
www.coursera.org, SQL for Data Science
Project Management Master Course, ANSI PMI PMBOK Guide 3rd Edition
PMI, expert
Project Expert Holding
Tim Ltd, expert
Microsoft Project
Alsi, expert
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения