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Male, 45 years, born on 3 December 1979

Not looking for a job

Atyrau, willing to relocate (Australia, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Canada, Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Norway, UAE, Oman, USA, France), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Maintenance Planning Team Lead / CMMS Team Lead

  • Shift supervisor, area supervisor

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, rotation based work

Work experience 17 years 1 month

February 2019December 2022
3 years 11 months

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, www.sakhalinenergy.ru

Oil and Gas... Show more

CMMS Team Lead
Sakhalin-2 project: oil and gas development in Sakhalin Island with sever north side environment conditions. Natural gas field offshore (2 platforms), 1 oil platform, associated infrastructures onshore: LNG asset, Onshore process Facility, Compression complex. In 2020 revenues of Sakhalin Energy amounted to US$ 4,383 mln, and its total net income was US$ 1,080 mln. In 2021, the company shipped about 32.9 mln bbl (4.2 mln t) of Sakhalin Blend oil which amounted to about 47 standard oil shipments (one standard oil shipment is 700 thousand bbl). In 2021, the share of Sakhalin LNG amounted to: 2.8% of global LNG demand; 3.8% of LNG demand in APR countries; 8.2% of LNG demand in Japan; 4.5% of LNG demand in South Korea; 7.1% of LNG demand in Taiwan; 1.2% of LNG demand in China. Liquefied Natural Gas: In 2021, the company shipped approximately 10.4 mln t of LNG (160.1 standard LNG shipments). Natural Gas: Since the start of supplies, the Russian party has been provided with over 12,464 mln m³ of natural gas under the Sakhalin-2 project (including 1,192 mln m³ in 2021).  Awarded by CED on continuous improvement initiative – number of cancelled reservations for materials and nondemanded stock decrease for LNG resulting in cost avoidance in amount of 1.25M USD annually  Lead the CMMS team, collaborate with Brownfield project team for tie-in and other related activities  Develop and deliver CMMS for OPFC (Onshore Processing Facility Compression) Greenfield project including SAP hierarchy build up, master data, preventive maintenance routines, routine frequencies optimization, criticality assessment  Participated in RCM and RBI studies, interacted with contractors/execution team, participated in Criticality Assessment  Ensure a complete Bill of Materials is incorporated in the CMMS build to enable optimal spare parts management
February 2016January 2019
3 years

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, www.sakhalinenergy.ru

Oil and Gas... Show more

Maintenance Planning Team Lead
 Awarded by CED for materials review and PM routines optimization campaign yielded cost savings in excess of $5m per annum  Lead work preparation and scheduling team consisted of 17 subordinates, assigned work activities  Acted as integrated activity planner coordinating activities between LNG asset and other facilities  Controlled process of two weeks maintenance schedule preparation for the asset following Shell MIE standards  Owned the development of long term (52WLAH) and medium term (90DLAH) planning processes  Assured that maintenance tasks properly developed, scheduled and efficiently completed in accordance with production properties in a timely, safe and efficient manner  Reported KPIs to asset management on a monthly basis including SCE status via FSR system  Effectively improved work preparation process along with PM Library, optimized PM routines frequencies  Contributed to PM maintenance cost optimization without compromising to reliability and safety  Controlled material coordination process including BoM, SPIRs, Min/Max, supported rush delivery process  Participated in Major Turnarounds at LNG asset, contributed to timely progress capture and reporting  Improved maintenance planning process achieving 92% of Schedule Compliance KPI, coordinated MRP process  Achieved MIE assessor status, interviewed maintenance and operation teams both for offshore and onshore assets  Arranged and conducted away day successfully for the Maintenance team (40 participants)
September 2014January 2016
1 year 5 months

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, www.sakhalinenergy.ru

Oil and Gas... Show more

Maintenance Planner for SEIC LNG
 Developed 14 days maintenance schedule for two production trains, Tanker Loading Unit and Jetty following Shell MIE standards and requirements, developed 90 day and 52 week maintenance plans for the asset  Conducted daily meetings (YTT, DNR, WSR), levelled resources, assured Work Order lifecycle is followed  Analysed workload, checked available manpower, proposed solutions to balance the scope  Distributed PM routines and CM activities across two weeks, prioritized the scope with focus on SCE  Reported KPIs, controlled CM backlog, optimized existed PMs (grouping, seasoning, levelling)  Passed MIE assessment successfully within LNG asset team  Optimized working process applying Continuous Improvement approach
July 2012August 2014
2 years 2 months

Atyrau, www.ncoc.kz/

Senior Offshore Maintenance Planner
NCOC (Joint Venture: Exxon, Shell, Total, Eni, KMG, CNPC and Inpex), Kashagan Project: >50billion$ world’s most challenging and complex projects with high H2S concentrations, both onshore and offshore, primary stage refinery complex constructed on the artificial island in the shallow water area of the Caspian sea.  Developed two weeks maintenance schedule for offshore complex“D”, owned long-term and medium-term plans  Owned and improved process of daily and weekly meetings (DNR, YTT, WSR) to review, agree and freeze the plan  Performed resource levelling, reviewed CM backlog, reported KPIs, FSR, improved master data via Z6 process  Reported KPIs, controlled CM backlog, optimized existed PMs (grouping, seasoning, levelling)  Acted as CMMS custodian (SAP Super user), supported maintenance and operations crews with SAP issues  Assured Work Orders lifecycle is followed Shell MIE standards both for PMs and CMs
April 2008June 2012
4 years 3 months

Atyrau, www.ncoc.kz/

Oil and Gas... Show more

CMMS Data Verification Engineer
 Developed high quality Asset Register, built functional location hierarchy  Performed data collection & quality check: P&ID, SLD, datasheet, maintenance manual, technical operating manual, drawing mark-up, crosschecked with site survey findings  Reported deviations and identified non-conformities with reference to experimental project  Cooperated successfully with IDWH (Integrated Data Warehouse) team for migration to SAP  Developed and published internal DC/QC procedure  Acting as DC/QC Supervisor leading the team of 15 subordinates
December 2005March 2008
2 years 4 months

Atyrau, www.ncoc.kz/

Oil and Gas... Show more

Maintenance Planning Engineer
 Being assigned to Petrobel company, Abu-Rudeis, Egypt, (December 2007 – March 2008), I’ve improved existed Asset Register, successfully developed Maintenance Plan for Water Injection Plant restoration, reviewed and grouped preventive maintenance routines, optimized materials demand and Min/Max set  Being part of Kashagan project department in London, United Kingdom (March 2007– November 2007) I performed data collection for asset register of Kashagan Project during CMMS Implementation phase, implemented planning principles for PM master data update, proposed solutions to improve existed PMs, developed maintenance plans related to oil spill response team equipment  Acting as junior maintenance planning engineer, I was assigned to Saipem company, France (December 2005– February 2007) where I was Involved in asset register development. Contributed to spare parts management/procurement processes, created and improved PM routines, supported development of the maintenance strategy, checked equipment and resources availability, performed manpower planning and levelling, contributed to equipment overhauls in production area of TOTAL LACQ asset


Skill proficiency levels
MS Project
Working Day Scheduling
Work Preparation
Data collection
FLOC Hierarchy
Английский язык
Leadership Development
Leadership Skills
Team management
Performance Management
Execution Management
Supervisory Skills
Oracle Primavera
Time management
Maintenance Management and Follow Up
Управление персоналом

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category A, B, C, D, E

About me

Maintenance process subject matter expert with over 17 years experience within the world class multinational Oil & Gas projects (Onshore/Offshore) primarily in the maintenance planning/scheduling and database management. Being the part of Kashagan and Sakhalin-2 projects I am privileged to learn and to be exposed to the Shell, Exxon, Total, ENI and Conoco Phillips standards, business processes and best practices applied around the world. My roles have involved team leadership, CMMS system and process implementation, stakeholder management, coaching and training. Continuous improvement mindset, strong interpersonal, communication, and stakeholder relationship management skills.  Expert in maintenance planning, scheduling, work preparation and related activities, primarily for LNG asset  Skilled in integrated planning activities, maintenance reference planning and contribution to budgeting  Leadership skills, have successfully lead project delivery and development of a team of 17 subordinates  Proficient in SAP, particularly Shell systems P16 Blueprint, PB7 reporting, FSR, Primavera P6, GWOS, MS office, MS Project, EDMS, AMS (Asset Management System)  Experienced in Work Preparation, Scheduling and Execution (WPSE) processes  Expert in CMMS/master data, verification, acceptance, data collection, quality check, hierarchy build for asset, unit, system, sub-system down to component BOM level, preventive maintenance routines development  Skilled in the RCM and RBI studies, interacted with contractors/execution team for improvements implementation  Control the material management process from raising purchase request till shelter acceptance  Acting as an assessor, familiar with Shell standards, experienced in MIE assessment  Participated in 6 planned major turnarounds at LNG asset contributing to successful and safe completion

Higher education (bachelor)

Oil and Gas University
Technological Machine and Equipment, Bachelor
ENI Corporate University
Special Project - 1, Maintenance Planning Engineer



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

FrenchA1 — Basic

ItalianA1 — Basic

KazakhB1 — Intermediate

Professional development, courses

Exect, Effective Team Management
Exect, Performance Management
Exect, Execution Management
Local, HSE Leadership for Mid-Level Managers
OPITO, HUET Training
Exect, Supervisory Skills
Oracle University, Primavera P-102
Exect, Time Management
DNV, Reliability, Availability, Maintainability (RAM) Awareness Course
ENI Corporate university
Agip KCO, Maintenance Management and Follow Up. Where: San Donato, Milan, Italy,

Tests, examinations

Sakhalin energy, HSE Leadership for Mid-Level Managers

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter