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Male, 46 years, born on 2 December 1978

Karachi, I want to relocate (Great Britain, Denmark, Jordan, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, UAE, Oman, Pakistan, Singapore, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, South Africa, Japan), not prepared for business trips

Quality & Food Safety

  • Other

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 11 years

February 2011October 2015
4 years 9 months

Pakistan, www.bureauveritas.com

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Assistant Manager Food Products/Auditor & Trainer
• Auditing and report writing in food sector on food safety, Hygiene and Quality Management system implementation. (ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005 – FSMS / FSSC 22000, HALAL Food Safety Management System HACCP, GMP, BRC, Hygiene and 2nd party audits). YUM’s audits for suppliers of Pizzahut & KFC chain. NQMS audits for Nestle Pakistan. • Audited Industries: Dairy, Cereals, Bakery, Confectionery, Snacks, beverages, Hyperstar chains, Metro Cash & Carry’s Supplier audits etc. • Technical Management activities: Technical reviewing food safety management/Quality Management audit reports, liaison with certification department for recommendation and issuance of certificates to valuable clients. • Working on food safety project in region including data collection, analysis and results with recommendations to government. • Additionally working on development of sector specific food safety diploma courses/training material and launched training program in whole food sector. • Performing business development activities in food safety / quality management promotion across the country. • Involved in organization and execution of technical workshops & seminars on food safety and quality management for capacity building across the country. • Preparing of technical /training proposal and its approval from relevant authorities. Key achievements • Yum! Approved auditors for KFC and Pizza Hut 2014-15. Performed Audits in MENA Region. • Developed training modules for Metro / Carrefour Hyperstar and currently developing training modules for USAID to launch training in food sector. • More than 350 Audits and report writing in food sector on food safety, Hygiene and Quality Management system implementation. (ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005 – FSMS / FSSC 22000, HALAL Food Safety Management System, HACCP, GMP, BRC, Hygiene and 2nd party audits) YUM’s audits for suppliers of Pizzahut & KFC chain. NQMS audits for Nestle Pakistan. • Audited Industries: Dairy, Cereals, Bakery, Confectionery, Snacks, beverages, Hyperstar chains, Metro Cash & Carry’s Supplier audits etc.
August 2008February 2011
2 years 7 months
Dawn Group of Food Industries (Dawn Bread, Dawn Foods, Bread Beyond)

Pakistan, www.dawnbread.com,www.dawnfrozenfoods.com,www.breadbeyond.com

Food Products... Show more

Manager Quality Assurance and R&D
• Ensuring that the product or service the organization provides is fit for purpose and meets both external and internal requirements, including legal compliance and customer expectations. • Monitoring and advising on the performance of the food safety management system as Food Safety Team Leader and produces data and report on performance, measuring against set indicators. • Establishment & Implementation of Food Safety Management system at 3 bakery units, Setting QA compliance objectives and ensuring that targets are achieved; Assessing the product specifications of the company and its suppliers, and comparing with customer requirements; • Ensuring compliance with national and international standards and legislation; considering the application of environmental and health and safety standards; • Defining quality procedures in conjunction with operating staff; • Setting up and maintaining controls and documentation procedures; • Identifying relevant quality-related training needs and delivering training; • Ensuring tests and procedures are properly understood, carried out and evaluated and that product modifications are investigated; • Evaluates laboratory methods and procedures (R&D activities/Product Development) in all laboratory sections before and after implementation. Key achievements • Implemented Food Safety & Quality Management system and reduced wastage & customer complaints from 10% to 1.0%. • Product Development (Croissants, baguettes, gola kabab, chappli kabab, nuggettes etc) during Establishment of 2 bakery setup (ATA, BreadBeyond, Dawn Foods) • Established Motivated Quality Team in QA compliance section and achieved company annual quality and food safety objectives 2009-10. • Developed Company suppliers by conducting Quality & Food Safety audits in cereal, chicken and meat sector.
January 2006March 2008
2 years 3 months
Pakistan Dairy Development Company

Pakistan, www.pddc.com.pk

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Program Manager
• Worked with the entire dairy sector and the government to improve the quality of milk and upgradation of dairy sector. • Worked with Institutions, Industry & GOP for the development of vocational Training Organization (VTO) for Dairy Processing Staff in Pakistan. • Developed Training Modules for the Dairy Processing staff. (Level 1 for operators/senior operators in National Language & Level 2 for Assist. Manager/Supervisors in English language have been developed so far) • Managed all types of training activities for dairy processing staff under the plate form of VTO. • Organized skills seminars and training courses for dairy sector personnel. • Provided information and feedback to the sector on quality issues. • Provided technical assistance to the dairy industry by managing issuance & publication of National Newsletter (Dairy Voice) for dairy sector. • Served as a part of Management Team for operation National Level Biogas Scheme. • Served as a part of Management Team for launching all National Level schemes. Key achievements • Developed Training modules in area of food safety, Quality & operation management targeting 70% manpower of dairy sector in 2006. Awarded National Role of Honor. • Developed low cost milk chillers and supplied to 1400 model milk collection centers in 2006-07 where food safety, GMP and hygiene was implemented at sites of Nestle, Engro, Nirala dairy, Millac, Haleeb foods etc. • Developed and materialized mobile milk collecting chillers for small dairy farmers for establishment of cold milk supply chain across country. • Developed and made feasibly viable low cost milk-o-tester at farm / milk collection level by conducting trials with major dairy industries like Nestle, Haleeb, Millac etc. i.e reducing test cost (Fat %age) from 11 PKR to 1 PKR. • Established and maintained 1200 Biogas plants (Renewable energy project) across country at dairy farm level. • Made feasibly viable low cost milk pasteurization plant at town level with objective to provide pasteurized milk to nation at gross root level.
July 2004January 2006
1 year 7 months
Asian Food Industries pvt Ltd (Mayfair Group)

Pakistan, www.mayfair.com.pk/

Food Products... Show more

Senior Quality Assurance Executive
• Managed Process Control, Inspection, Verification, Planning, Analysis and Work Management for Food Manufacturing Operations. • Involved in Hygiene and Sanitation Operation, Implementation & Verifications. • Experienced in Product Quality Issues, Hygiene & Sanitation Programs. • Laboratory Operation (Incoming Material Inspection, Online Product Analysis & Trials) equipped with medium scale analytical equipment & allied accessories. • Involved in implementation of QA Systems particularly Food Safety Management System (HACCP, ISO 22000:2005), ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and BRC. • Worked as Internal auditor in all operating QA system and standards. • Trained & motivated the personnel with diverse operational & QA functions. • Worked as a liaison b/w commercial Dept. and International Market) to deal Export order activities (From Prototype, Pre-Order confirmation upto Final Order confirmation


Skill proficiency levels
Food Safety Management
Quality Assurance
Project management
FSSC 22000
Yum! Food Safety and Quality Standards

About me

Dear Sir, I am sending you my current CV for consideration of any QA/Food safety position in your company. I have the combination of experience in the following fields: 1. Food Manufacturing (Confectionery, Biscuit, Dairy, Bakery, cereals etc) mostly in food safety & Quality management system implementation and Quality Assurance. (09 years) 2. Auditing/ Training in all food sectors like Dairy (Nestle, Haleeb, Engro Foods Millac foods etc.), Bakery (Dawn Bread, Breadybeyod, Dawn Foods), Cereals (Rafhan Maize International Inc. Flour Mills like REhmat Flour Mill, National Flour Mill etc.), Confectionery (Asian Food Industries), Wholesale (Metro Cash & Carry and its Suppliers), Retail (MAF Hyperstar & its suppliers) etc. Competency is on the following systems: - ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management System) -ISO 22000:2005 (Food Safety Management System) - Dutch HACCP - FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification) - BRC (British Retail Consortium) - Global GAP Aquaculture - GMO / GMP 3. Yum! Approved Lead Auditor in MENA zone for auditing KFC & Pizzahut for the following sectors in Pakistan, Oman, Dubai etc. KFC & Pizzahut own facility - Commissary FSA (Food Safety Audits) / QSA (Quality System Audit) - Distribution Center - Transportation KFC & Pizzahut Suppliers - FSA (Food Safety Audit) - QSA (Quality System Audit) - Packaging Facility Audit Keeping in view my profile, I am sure you will consider my profile for opportunity in your system. Your response in this regard will highly be appreciated. Best Regards Muhammad adnan

Higher education (master)

University of Agriculture Faisalabad Pakistan
National Institute of Food Science & Technology, Food Technology
University of Agriculture Faisalabad Pakistan
Agriculture Engineering, Agriculture - Food Technology



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Pakistan

Permission to work: Pakistan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter