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Мужчина, 46 лет, родился 18 сентября 1978

Не ищет работу

Москва, м. Новые Черемушки, готов к переезду (Австралия, Азербайджан, Великобритания, Венесуэла, Вьетнам, Забайкальский край, Иркутская область, Казахстан, Канада, Катар, Кировская область, Красноярский край, Кувейт, Москва, Московская область, Намибия, Нижегородская область, Новая Зеландия, Норвегия, ОАЭ, Приморский край, Республика Бурятия, Республика Саха (Якутия), Республика Тыва, Республика Хакасия, Рязанская область, Сахалинская область, Сингапур, Украина, Шотландия, ЮАР), готов к командировкам

Materials & Logistics Manager/Supervisor, Supply Base Manager, Contracts, SAP Maintenance Engineer

  • Менеджер по продажам, менеджер по работе с клиентами

Занятость: полная занятость

График работы: удаленная работа

Опыт работы 24 года 4 месяца

Январь 2020по настоящее время
5 лет 3 месяца
Gazprom shelfproject


Division Manager - Materials & Logistics, Shore Based Infrastructure
Prepare, deploy and run a functional shore-based infrastructure (project supply bases) to maintain uninterruptible offshore rig supplies for various offshore exploration projects on the RF continental shelf (Sakhalin, Murmansk, Kara Sea, Barents Sea, Gulf of Ob, the Sea of Okhotsk, Krasnodar). Line managed 12 subordinates to ensure maximum operational efficiency. Succesfully delivered logistical services on time and on budget for various Clients – Gazprom Nedra, Gazprom Invest, Novatek. Responcible for cost savings on contracts budgets (up to 15%) due to well-targeted and expedient contract services utilization. Oversee Shore Base activities and Supply base activities for land projects. Coordination of Offshore Fleet Activities. Coordination of Onshore & Offshore Materials & Logistics Supervisors. Control overall M & L related activities for exploration and production projects Contracting - Contract drafting, budget allocation, suppliers’ sourcing, tendering, bid checking, terms negotiation, contract signing, contract administration Interact with Clients, Contractors and local authorities. Coordinate Local Agent's activities. Coordinate customs clearance processes. Making sure that all customs related documentation is submitted in timely and due manner and all materials and equipment get customs clearance on time for projects; Coordinate activities of the Supply Base Personnel, Transport and Machinery. Coordinate warehouse activities. Coordinate strict adherence to Company's HSE&Q policy. Arrange safety meetings and pre-work tool-box talks Arrange QA/QC checks upon receipt of new consignments from Vendors. Coordinate transportation of materials & equipment to supply bases and drilling rigs via supply boats and helicopters. Crew change coordination.Preparation of respective documentation.
Май 2017Декабрь 2019
2 года 8 месяцев

Москва, sakhalin.gazprom-neft.ru/

Супервайзер по логистике и материалам
▪ Responsible for overall supervision of logistics and materials supplies for MODU (Semi-Sub) «HAKURYU-5» for exploration wells offshore drilling in Ayashskiy license block in Sea of Okhotsk, Sakhalin and “AMAZON” Jack-Up Rig in Severo-Obskiy license block, Sabetta, Russian Arctics ▪ Supervise Supply Base activities. ▪ Control overall M & L related activities for the drilling project ▪ Interact with local authorities. ▪ Coordinate Local Agent's activities. ▪ Coordinate customs clearance processes. Making sure that all customs related documentation is submitted in timely and due manner ▪ Coordinate activities of the Supply Base Personnel, Transport and Machinery. ▪ Coordinate warehouse activities. ▪ Coordinate strict adherence to Company's HSE&Q policy. Arrange safety meetings and pre-work tool-box talks ▪ Arrange QA/QC checks upon receipt of new consignments from Vendors. ▪ Arrange transportation of materials & equipment to the supply base and drilling rig via supply boats and helicopters. Preparation of respective documentation.
Январь 2015Январь 2017
2 года 1 месяц
PRC Services
Materials and Logistics manager
Report to Rig Manager - Manage overall materials & logistics related activities for the drill ship. - Procurement. Control activities related to purchasing of materials, technical resources and services for rig maintenance, dry-docking, drilling operations and supply base activities. Raising material indents and PO's. Inquiring quotes. Participate in tendering activities. Checking and evaluating bids. Checking contracts' contents. Negotiating contractual terms. Constant interaction with manufacturers and suppliers/contractors via telephone and emails. - Interact with local authorities. - Coordinate Local Agent's activities. - Coordinate customs clearance processes. Making sure that all customs related documentation is submitted in timely and due manner - Coordinate activities of the Supply Base Personnel, Transport and Machinery. - Coordinate warehousing activities. - Coordinate strict adherence to Company's HSE&Q policy. Arrange safety meetings and pre-work tool-box talks - Arrange QA/QC checks upon receipt of new consignments from Vendors. - Arrange transportation of materials & equipment to the supply base and drilling rig via supply boats and helicopters. Preparation of respective documentation. - Arrange repair of the drill ship's equipment and tools at local workshops. - Perform works upon Rig Manager's request
Апрель 2013Январь 2015
1 год 10 месяцев


Customs & Logistics Coordinator
▪ Report to Project Manager ▪ Coordinate overall project logistics activities ▪ Coordinate customs activities and formalities ▪ Draw up load out plans with freight forwarder. ▪ Coordinate preparation of rig segments, materials and equipment as per Load-Out-Plan ▪ Coordinate loading of rig segments, materials and equipment as per Load-Out-Plan onto ship as per Load-Out-Plan ▪ Coordinate transportation of rig segments, materials and equipment ensuring on-time delivery for the rig reintstatement as per the reinstatement sequence program ▪ Coordinate document turnover and timely submission of the documents to the UAE and the Russian Customs
Август 2011Апрель 2013
1 год 9 месяцев
Firstdrill Ltd, UK


Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Materials & Logistics Supervisor / Project Coordinator
Searching for required suppliers / providers / service companies, Prepare tender documents, Working on contracts (prepare draft, discuss commercial terms), Coordinate between parties to complete contracts. Responsible for overall supervision of materials and logistics of the drilling projects in Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan (Buried Hill Project); Libreville, Gabon (OIL Project); Kutaisi, Georgia (Straight Oil & Gas Project) and Dubai, UAE. Coordinate activities of the drilling contractor and service companies onshore and on the drilling rig. Control activities related to purchasing of material and technical resources in accordance with the contracts and agreements made by the Client. Raise Purchase orders for Services, Equipment Rental, Purchase and Items on Cosignement. Make sure invoices paid on time. Track all the payments on the project. Control activities related to the storing and delivery of materials, equipment and personnel to the supply base, and drilling rig. Control activity in relation to the operation of service personnel on the drilling rig, supply base, operation of rental equipment and tools with making up Protocols of Rental Commencement and Termination. Coordinate operation of onshore, air and offshore transport with arrangement of respective documentation. Coordinate operation of warehouses, usage of rental property, materials and equipment and schedule their timely dispatch from the drilling rig to contractors. Provide daily report of the activities. Perform the works upon request by Project Manager / Client
Июль 2009Август 2011
2 года 2 месяца
Primedrill PTE LTD
Materials & Logistics Supervisor/Contracts Engineer
Reporting to Project Manager. Seeking suppliers/providers and service companies for the coming drilling projects. Consulting and supervision of materials and equipment supplies for well drilling. Prepare tender documentation. Liaising with potential Contractors; writing, compiling, drafting, negotiating, reviewing and rectifying contracts; discussing commercial terms and concluding contracts and agreements for well services, supply and lease of materials and equipment essential for well drilling projects. Control completion of contracts. Coordination and supervision of timely shipment of contractual equipment and materials to the Client’s supply base and back to the Contractors’ premises. Consolidation, verification of the contractual goods as per contracts and allocation of all contractual goods within the Client’s supply base. Receive and File all transport papers from Contractors for all contractual Goods. Control proper storing of equipment and materials within warehouses and open stacking areas. Arrangement and supervision of contractual materials and equipment transfers to rig via supply boats and helicopters and back to Supply Base and then back to Contractors. Preparation of all related transport documentation (bills of lading, airway bills, boat manifests, packing lists, delivery notes and etc). Arrangement, coordination and supervision of pax heli flights between rig and onshore helibase and preparation of the related transport documentation. Make up Daily report on the activities performed. Make up Daily Cost related to the expenses pertaining to Supply Base. Company representative in GAZPROM ZARUBEZHNEFTEGAZ Headquarters in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
Июль 2010Октябрь 2010
4 месяца
Neogate Systems

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Materilas and Logistics Supervisor
Kholmsk, Sakhalin, Russia. Control over logistical support and material supply of two Gazflot (Gazprom’s affiliate) Project semi-sub rigs. Gazflot representative at 3S port in Kholmsk.
Июнь 2009Июль 2009
2 месяца
Cosmi Kazakhstan LLP

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Materials & Logistics Coordinator
▪ Report to Project Manager ▪ Controlled and coordinated all materials and logistics activities related to material supply of Kashagan oil-field rigs and platforms at Agip KCO supply base in Bautino, Kazakhstan. ▪ Processed all requests from 8 off-shore rigs, coordinate preparation of equipment and materials for subsequent dispatch to the off-shore rigs. ▪ Prepared cargo manifests for outbound materials and equipment, keep records, make changes, make up all reports and related documentation via AGIP OMTS SAP. ▪ Coordinated loading/unloading of all vessels, coordinate turn-over of the supply vessels. ▪ Worked in a huge team with 80 subordinates on a huge drilling project – Kashagan.
Октябрь 2006Июль 2009
2 года 10 месяцев
Firstdrill LTD

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Materials & Logistics Supervisor/Contracts Engineer-Administrator
Main responsibilities whilst working in the Clients office: • Searching for required suppliers / providers / service companies, • Prepare tender documents, • Working on contracts (prepare draft, discuss commercial terms), • Coordinate between parties to complete contracts. Whilst Working At An Onshore Base / Site: • Coordinate activities of the drilling contractor and service companies onshore and on the drilling rig, • Control and perform the assigned works onshore and on the drilling rig, • Control of commencement and termination of application of daily equipment and personnel rates of all the contracts signed by Client with contractors on execution of works (provision of services) relating to construction of the well, as well as control consumption and usage of materials, • Control activities related to purchasing of material and technical resources in accordance with the contracts and agreements made by the Client, • Control activities related to the storing and delivery of materials, equipment and personnel to the supply base, and drilling rig, • Control activity in relation to the operation of service personnel on the drilling rig, supply base, operation of rental equipment and tools with making up Protocols of Rental Commencement and Termination, • Coordinate operation of onshore, air and offshore transport with arrangement of respective documentation, • Coordinate operation of warehouses, usage of rental property, materials and equipment and schedule their timely dispatch from the drilling rig to contractors, • Provide daily report of the activities, • Perform the works upon request by Project Manager / Client
Октябрь 2006Июнь 2009
2 года 9 месяцев
Firstdrill Ltd, UK
Materials & Logistics Manager/Contracts Engineer
Reporting to Project Manager. Seeking suppliers/providers and service companies for the coming drilling projects. Consulting and supervision of materials and equipment supplies for well drilling. Prepare tender documentation. Liaising with potential Contractors, drafting, negotiating, discussing commercial terms and concluding contracts for supply and lease of materials, equipment and well services. Control completion of contracts. Coordination and supervision of timely shipment of contractual equipment and materials to the Client’s supply base and back to the Contractors’ premises. Consolidation, verification of the contractual goods as per contracts and allocation of all contractual goods within the Client’s supply base. Receive and File all transport papers from Contractors for all contractual Goods. Control proper storing of equipment and materials within warehouses and open stacking areas. Arrangement and supervision of contractual materials and equipment transfers to rig via supply boats and helicopters and back to Supply Base and then back to Contractors, preparation of all related transport documentation (bills of lading, airway bills, boat manifests, packing lists, delivery notes and etc). Arrangement, coordination and supervision of pax heli flights between rig and onshore helibase and preparation of the related transport documentation. Perform Daily report on the related activities. Perform Daily Cost related to the expenses pertaining to Supply Base. Keep timesheets for the Supply Base personnel. Company representative in the CENTERCASPNEFTEGAZ Headquarters, Moscow, Russia and on offshore exploration wells in the Caspian Sea (2006 - 2007), in VIETGAZPROM office in Danang, Vietnam (2007) and offshore exploration wells in the South China Sea; in SINTEZNEFTEGAZ Headquarters located in Walvis Bay, Namibia and offshore exploration wells in the Namibian waters of the Atlantic Ocean (2008).
Апрель 2006Октябрь 2006
7 месяцев
RR Offshore
Materials Manager
RR Offshore Astrakhan, Astrakhan Korabel Shipyard, ENI AGIP KCO Project – M-10 Kashagan Supply Barge Construction/ position of a project Materials manager. Reporting to Project Manager. Supervision and coordination of all project warehouse activities and the warehouse personnel. Registration, update and overall document control of all Project material values. Perform daily reports. Keeping and signing timesheets for the warehouse personnel.
Ноябрь 2003Апрель 2006
2 года 6 месяцев
Lukoil-Shelf (Drilling Contractor)
Maintenance Engineer
LUKOIL-Shelf (drilling contractor), «ASTRA» jack-up rig., Maintenance Engineer, Materials Coordinator, AMOS operator, expeditor, marine transport dispatcher. Maintenance planning and control via AMOS system, work orders issuing, unexpected works/repair orders issuing, reporting on maintenance/repair completion, warehouse managing, warehouse inventory control, spare parts and materials requisition and signing-out, spare parts and materials purchase ordering, materials and equipment transportation and shipping arrangement, making up all cargo transportation related paperwork, arranging rig wastes off-loading and transportation on-shore. Worked in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Russian waters of the Caspian Sea. Acquired excellent experience and broad knowledge working off-shore.
Июнь 2002Ноябрь 2003
1 год 6 месяцев
Saipem ENI Group


Field Interpreter/Expeditor
All kinds of office and outdoor work: filing in the office, making up daily drilling reports as per IADC form, time keeping of Saipem and subcontractors personnel, keeping procurement records, diesel stock, etc. Coordination of all cargo transportation. Assisting the Sunbelt representatives with H2S training, drills, making drawings of the location, etc. Materials and spares requisitioning. Making up invoices and trip bills for the equipment and materials to send away after the rig-down. Arranging safety tool-box meetings for the night shift crews. Also worked as a roughneck during the rig up and down.
Март 2002Июнь 2002
4 месяца
DC Engineer/Interpreter
CPC pipeline project, Astrakhan Pump Station, EMON - documentation control engineer, interpreter. Collected, processed, translated, filed and submitted to the CPC all the reports and technical documentation on various electrical, electronic and instrumental equipment. Assisted the Fluor Daniel Start-up and Commissioning group in the documentation turnover.
Март 2001Март 2002
1 год 1 месяц
DC Engineer/Interpreter
CPC pipeline project, Spread 5, SGS-Orgenergoneft – documentation control engineer, interpreter. Collected, processed, translated, filed and submitted to the Client miscellaneous technical reports and built-in documentation on HSE and QA/QC procedures, welding procedures, procedures for radiographic examination, ultrasonic examination, electrode handling, and many more to be utilized on the Russian PS project in future. Acquired an extensive experience in the abovementioned issues.
Сентябрь 2000Март 2001
7 месяцев
Bilingual Gymnasium # 4
Astrakhan bilingual (English/ Russian) gymnasium # 4 – teacher of English, technical translation, English literature. Teaching children of 2nd, 4th, 6th, 10th grades. Arrangement of out-of-class activities (Concerts, children’s matinee’s, theatrical plays and etc.)


Уровни владения навыками
Business English
Team management
Analytical skills
Driving Licence B
Negotiation skills
Presentation skills
MS PowerPoint
Adobe Photoshop
MS Outlook
Supply Base Management
Fleet Coordination
Health & Safety
Project management
Contracts Administaration

Опыт вождения

Имеется собственный автомобиль

Права категории B

Обо мне

I am a versatile materials and logistics professional with over 15 years of in-depth experience in Oil and Gas industry working on various projects around the world. Excellent supervisory and inter personal skills with drive and initiative to accomplish tasks in cost effective ways. Rich experience working on different international off-shore/on-shore projects worldwide (Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Namibia, UK, Russia, Sakhalin, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, UAE, Gabon). Proven expertise in the areas of Materials and Logistics Management, Tenders, Contracts Management and Administration. Proficient in Supply Base Management, Operational Logistics, Procurement, Warehouse Management, Off-shore Fleet Coordination, Offshore Transfers and etc. Extensive knowledge of Rig & Pipeline Procedures, operations and equipment and vast experience in coordinating various drilling, shipping, marine supply fleet and navigation related tasks. Demonstrates abilities in managing commercial operations/ projects/ assignments within the defined time/ cost/ quality parameters and accelerating the business growth. An effective communicator with excellent team leadership skills and strong analytical, problem solving & organizational abilities. I like very much Live Music, Sport, Scale Models, Cooking and Traveling.

Высшее образование

Lloyd's Maritime Academy
Marine, Ship Superintendency
IBC Academy, London, UK
Oil and Gas SCM, Exploration and Production Logistics
SPECTEC, Science and Research
Computerized Maintenance Management Systems, AMOS, Businees Suite Pro
The Northern Caucasus State Technical University
Oil & Gas Refinery, Diploma, Engineer
The Astrakhan State University
Philology/Interpretation, Diploma, Interpreter

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

ИтальянскийC1 — Продвинутый

НемецкийA1 — Начальный

ФранцузскийC1 — Продвинутый

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Россия

Разрешение на работу: Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения