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Male, 37 years, born on 21 April 1987

Saint Petersburg, metro station Avtovo, willing to relocate (Great Britain, Germany, Canada, Moscow, Norway, USA), prepared for business trips

virtualization system administrator

  • System administrator

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 18 years 10 months

April 2015currently
10 years

Saint Petersburg, russia.emc.com/about/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

implementation engineer
Virtual Software Delivery division of EMC corporation provide on-site and remote services for customers. Those include, but not limited to, initial design and configuration, troubleshooting, upgrade and customization of EMC and VMware solutions. As a Solutions Architect my responsibilities are: - an analysis of existing infrastructure, communications with customer's IT department - a development of technical design and justifications for planned changes/implementations - full or partial implementation of technical design - technical guidance of engineers involved into the project - driving of the technical side of migration/new DC build Some of the achievements: - progressed from senior delivery engineer to solutions architect in less a year - one of the highest customer satisfaction rates within the team - certified with NSX, VCP, ViPR products. - initiated knowledge transfer sessions within the team - managed a team of 12 IT professionals and successfully delivered big and complex project (see Bosch - techlead for details)
July 2014April 2015
10 months

Saint Petersburg, ringcentral.com

Telecommunications, Communications... Show more

Senior system administrator
Production Support department's goals is to run continuous analysis of existing infrastructure to maintain stability and fault tolerance of services porvided, as well as develop and integrate mechanics and instructions for possible disasters. As senior techical engineer my responsibilities are: - analysis of existing multi-components, determining of reoccuring issues and negative patterns (SIP based telophony) - analysis of long term health trends for storage (NetApp) and hypervisor's software/hardware (VMware/Dell) - cooperation with OPS teams to troubleshoot and fix various issues During this period gained great expeirence with following tools: - Sumologic - Palladion - Zabbix Achievements: - Found, troubleshooted and provided a workaround for 3rd party sw component, affecting services for a long time. - described and provided possible solution for issues, related to virtualization of timer sensitive software products. - pinpointed possibly disasterous issue on early stage of development (cascade "APD" event for specific version of NetApp storages)
July 2011June 2014
3 years

Saint Petersburg, veeam.com

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

support engineer Tier 2, training lead
Started as Tier 1 customer support engineer, quickly advanced to senior position and later - to tier 2 customer support team. Also initiated and ran training program for newcomers Main responsibilities: - consulting client's system administrators, reconfiguration and improvement of their setup to achieve desired backup software performance. Task above include: - written and verbal communications with client's techicians (e-mail, phone, WebEx) - surgical changes in hypervisor configuration (both Hyper-V and VMware) - understanding of setup specific limitations (network, storage, hardware, etc.) from backup process perspective - development of recommendations on future changes in infrastructure to maintain achieved results Additional responsibilities: - newcomers selection and training Task above include: - technical job interviews with applicants - development and maintaining of training courses - training course integration in foreign offices, located in USA and Australia Achievements: - improved verbal and written English, including ability to understand almost any accent - thoroughly and deeply studied virtualization technology in general, as well as implementations from VMware and Hyper-V - have deep understanding of backup and backup related flows (such as peak loads on infrastructure) - obtained ability to analyze complex IT systems to determine possible issues
December 2008September 2013
4 years 10 months
Индивидуальное предпринимательство / частная практика / фриланс

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Founded small IT outsourcing company, focused on small and medium businesses. Initially performed both as manager and skilled technician, later delegated manager's work to assistant and sales manager. Manager responsibilities: - staff search and hiring - staff monivation - communications with clients - advertising Technical responsibilities: - Troubleshooting, optimization, deployment of office Ethernet - Support of Active Directory, MS Exchange, MS SQL, file sharing servers. etc. - deployment of end-user stations, including automatic deploy - company help-desk - periodic software and hardware upgrade
July 2009July 2011
2 years 1 month
Оптима, сеть комп.клубов Каламбус

Saint Petersburg

Public Services... Show more

системный администатор
Company provided access to dedicated gambling servers from luxury private clubs, organized like Internet cafe. I performed role of help-desk engineer and later became a lead of new project. As help-desk engineer was responsible for: - deployment of new Club's Ethernet, hardware and software - configuration of network security hardware, VPN and firewall - maintenance of software and hardware in Clubs - management of on-site junior engineers - on-call helpdesk for Club employees As project lead: - management of a team - supervising of deployment of new feature - interactions with end-users Achievements: - as help-desk engineer I was responsible for 40 clubs (one third of all), more that 1000 pieces of equipment. - created a concept which evolved to new feature, specific for company
July 2007October 2008
1 year 4 months
ЗАО "Монком-Авто", автосалон

Saint Petersburg

Automotive Business... Show more

помощник системного администратора
As junior system administrator assisted in building local network from scratch, including planning and development. Later served as helpdesk. Responsibilities: - 1C: Accounting support - end-user support - hardware and software maintenance
February 2004March 2005
1 year 2 months
компьютерный клуб D-War

Saint Petersburg

администратор зала
As a technician provided maintenace of gaming PCs, including minor repairs. Responsibilities: - provided help for customers with technical issues - hardware and software maintenance


Skill proficiency levels
Обучение персонала
техническая поддержка

About me

Looking for job opportunities outside Russian Federation. Technical skills: - vast experience in virtualization technology, including but not limited to VMware, MS Hyper-V, Xen Server - work with VMware since version 3.5 - experienced with enterprise level storage systems - ability to review and analyze complex IT systems - deep understanding of backup and restore procedures in virtualized environments - almost intimate acquaintance with all MS products including AD, Exchange, SQL - experienced user of Linux OS - able to perform complex scripting - huge experience in networking Social skills: - English level Upper intermediate (IELTS sertified with 7.5) - 6 years of successful business communications with English-speaking technicians - able to work in stressful and fast changing environment for extended periods of time - experienced leader of small work group, able to motivate and inspire - crisis management skills - if needed, can fix MS Windows registry-related issue via phone by guiding senior accountant and she will understand what we doing.

Higher education (bachelor)

ФКТИ/системный администратор, бакалавр
Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Электротехнический Университет «ЛЭТИ»
ФЭМ/инженер по качеству, бакалавр



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

From customer support to customer care
Fintra, graduated

Tests, examinations

EMC ViPR SRM suite
EMC, Monitoring
Information Storage Management
EMC, enterprise level storages
Курс сетевой Академии Cisco (CCNA)
Авалон, центр обучения, networking

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour