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Male, 38 years, born on 13 January 1987
Moscow, willing to relocate (Belarus, Denmark, Canada, China, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Ukraine, Finland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden), not prepared for business trips
Design Engineer
33 000 ₽ in hand
- Design engineer
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 3 years
September 2007 — August 2010
3 years
Electricité De France ( EDF)
Design Engineer
I have been working on Nuclear Safety as Design Engineer.
My work and responsibilities :
- Modelling hydraulic backup network with the software FLOWMASTER
- Follow-up studies performed by outside companies
- Hydraulic studies applied to the field of nuclear safety
About me
Main skills :
- realize and follow studies
- manage project
- social and conscientious
Other information :
- I speak a fluent english
- I speak a basic russian, but I am still working on it in MGU until August expecting to pass the TORFL.
- I already lived 9 months in Moscow.
Higher education
General Engineer of « Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts et Métiers » (ENSAM)
Mechanical engineering, Engineer
Mechanical and Industrial Automation
Mechanical and Industrial Automation, Higher Technician Certificate
Electrical Engineering
Electro, Bachelor of Technology
Professional development, courses
General training on the operation of a nuclear power plant (PWR)
Electricité De France ( EDF), certificate
Training on hydraulic modelling software FLOSMASTER V6 andV7
FLOWMASTER, certificate
Training on hydraulic flows in Grenoble
Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches de Grenoble (CERG), certificate
Tests, examinations
TOEIC, 790
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: France
Permission to work: France
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter