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Germany, willing to relocate (Australia, Austria, Aktau, Almaty, Armenia, Astana, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Luxembourg, Mongolia, Moscow, Moscow Oblast, New Zealand, Norway, Altai Republic, USA, Saint Petersburg, Uzbekistan, France), prepared for business trips


  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: flexible schedule

Work experience 12 years 6 months

October 2013December 2013
3 months
Neotectonic and Geohazards in Department of Geosciences and Geography Natural Hazards at RWTH Aachen University

Germany, www.nug.rwth-aachen.de/index.php?p=home

Practice as a senior researcher
*Research of active tectonic processes in Altay and Tien Shan regions (Central Asia).
September 2013December 2013
4 months
Atomic Energy Agency

Austria, www.iaea.org/

*Three Expert-Missions from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Kazakhstan to review the Geographical Information System.
July 2012September 2013
1 year 3 months
Institute of Geosciences, FSU Jena

Germany, www.igw.uni-jena.de/

Guest researcher
*Thesis completion, writing articles.
April 2009June 2012
3 years 3 months
Institute of Geosciences, FSU Jena

Germany, www.igw.uni-jena.de/

Study of tectonically controlled relief evolution in Central Asia (Kazakhstan) and research of tectonics and erosion in volcanic field of Westeifel.
September 2008March 2009
7 months
Beak Consultants GmbH

Germany, www.beak.de/index.asp?lan=en

*Testing and optimization of software (advangeo®) for geological forecasts. Beak Consultants GmbH, Freiberg, Germany. (under supervision of Dr. Bard)
March 2008September 2008
7 months
TU Bergakademie, Freiberg

Germany, www.geo.tu-freiberg.de/tektono/privatesites/Ratschbacher/Lothars%20Web.htm

GIS Specialist
* Data capture and computer design of geological maps. TU Bergakademie, Freiberg, Germany. (under supervision of Prof. Dr. Ratschbacher, Jun-Prof. Gloaguen)
February 2008March 2008
2 months

Germany, www.gaf.de/

GIS Specialist
* Creation of electronic maps. Image processing and interpretation of projects. GAF AG,
March 2005April 2007
2 years 2 months
Institute of Geology, FSU Jena

Germany, www.igw.uni-jena.de/

* Evolution of a thick-skinned thrust system and associated basins, Northern Tien Shan, Kazakhstan. Structural geology at institute of Earth Sciences, FSU Jena, Germany. (under supervision of Prof.Dr.Kley) * Identification of maars and similar volcanic forms in Westeifel Volcanic field through image processing of DTM data: Efficiency of different methods depending on preservation state. Institute of Geology, FSU Jena, Germany. (under supervision of Prof. Dr. Büchel)
June 2004December 2004
7 months

Germany, www.tkh-ol.de/index.html

GIS Specialist
* Data capture and computer design of a sports map in Giessen. Hannover, Germany.
February 2003May 2003
4 months
Institute of Geography, FSU Jena

Germany, www.geographie.uni-jena.de/Institut/Einrichtungen.html

senior researcher
Practice * Hydrologic monitoring in Siberia based on satellite data. Germany. (under supervision of Prof.Dr. Schmullius)
March 1998August 2001
3 years 6 months
National Nuclear center of RK; Space Research Institute, Almaty RK

Kazakhstan, www.nnc.kz/en/

* Research of nuclear test site problems in Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan based on satellite data analysis. Investigation: temperature anomalies, infrastructure, influence of nuclear explosions on earth surface, geological structure Mission AMPS, National Nuclear center of RK, Project ISTC (under supervision of Prof. Dr. Zakarin) * Research of radioactivity distribution in salt domes, "LIRA``, "ASGIR`` projects, region Caspian Sea, project ISTC (under supervision of Dr. Belashov) * Research of Caspian Sea recreation zones with help of remote sensing. Space Research Institute, ISSAR - Project. (under supervision of Dr.Sheikin)
June 1999November 2000
1 year 6 months
Frontier Mining LTD in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan, www.frontiermining.kz/

* Investigation of ore development and prognosis of deposits allocation of gold and copper with help of satellite data analysis. Frontier Mining LTD in Kazakhstan. (under supervision of Dr. Blumstein)


Skill proficiency levels
Environmental Management
image processing
ore development
Remote Sensing
satellite data analysis
Structural Geology
Surface Analysis
Управление персоналом
Управление проектами

About me

Good communication skills, Managerial Skills, Communication skills

Higher education (Doctor of Science)

Institute of Earth Sciences, FSU Jena, Germany
Structural Geology, Study of Natural Resource with Aerospace Tools
Kazakh Polytechnic Institute
Geological Exploration, Diploma Geology



EnglishC1 — Advanced

Professional development, courses

GIS - Specialist/Administrator for Information systems
Education center Dr. Busch. Jena. Germany, GIS - Specialist/Administrator for Information systems

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Germany, Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter