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Was online more than a week ago


Male, 32 years, born on 13 July 1992

Not looking for a job

Saint Petersburg, metro station Vladimirskaya, willing to relocate (Austria, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Product Designer (UX UI CX)

  • Art director, creative director
  • Designer, artist
  • Product manager
  • Programmer, developer
  • Project manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 13 years 3 months

January 2012currently
13 years 3 months
Outsourcing with team around the globe


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Product Designer
Contributing with clients as design and business consultant. CusDev, feature optimisation, main product redesign, mobile app MVP, dev team management.
October 2020April 2023
2 years 7 months

Great Britain, digiruu.com

Design Lead & Product Owner
An award-winning and top-rated agency in the UK and London, specialises in helping turn ideas into successful startups. Over the years, numerous small and mid-sized businesses have benefitted from DGRUU's expertise in product research, design, and development. The team is handling services include CusDev, conducting market research, optimising business processes and use cases and creating MVP apps.
August 2019September 2022
3 years 2 months
Get Lighthouse LLC

USA, getlighthouse.com

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Product Designer
Lighthouse is a team management platform that allows people to organise 1 on 1 conversations with their managers, peers and reports and motivate their teams and prevent turnover. CusDev, feature optimisation, main product redesign, mobile app MVP.
April 2016July 2018
2 years 4 months
Targo App

Saint Petersburg

Product Designer
Targo App provides restaurants tools for remote management and helps their clients to pre-order meals easily which contributes to the waiting time reduction and attendance increase. The priority was to build MVP version ASAP, make a test run with restaurants in real life and adjust it before V1 release.
March 2017June 2018
1 year 4 months

Germany, www.i-a-t.net/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Design Team Lead
CValue, the main product of the company, is a HR software that helps companies to screen candidates and make precision short lists. Managed a team of designers in product support and growth. Participated in business processes writing and release planning with top management of the company. https://www.cvalue.com https://adscab.de/ — Second Project
April 2015July 2017
2 years 4 months
1bit (ex Storverk)

Saint Petersburg, 1cbit.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

UX Adviser
Storverk is a omnichannel CRM system with end-to-end sales and marketing analytics based on the 1C:Enterprise platform. Participated in MVP Version 1 transition; implemented new features based on the feedback that company received after test launch.
September 2013August 2014
1 year
Push Digital Agency

Saint Petersburg

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Software Designer, Business Analyst
Push Agency helped small companies to optimise their processes with software, business analytics and database optimisation. Duties were market research, CusDev and business process writing.


Skill proficiency levels
Проектирование пользовательских интерфейсов
Дизайн интерфейсов
Статистический анализ
Product Design
B2C Marketing
Digital Marketing
Food Industry
Travel Industry
B2C исследования

About me

I Do: https://www.behance.net/screaminsky HCI Researches(such as https://youtu.be/-u9J1HbAq7U). Mobile Apps • Web. B2C • B2B • SaaS • Socials. Foodtech • HR • Traveling • Banking & Finances • Automotive(beginner) • CRM • Dashboards. I Use: Adobe XD • Adobe Photoshop • Sketch App • Figma. Zeplin • Avocode • Marvel App • Invision. HTML/CSS/JS • UML. I Can : Business-Processes • UML-Diagrams • Software Engineering • System Analytics • Use-Case Optimisation. Objective(Laboratory) & Subjective UX Testing • Statistical Analysis. Also I Can: Working with Clients 24/7/365. I Read: Ruskin • Tidwell • Krug • Cooper • dl.acm.org + Novels & Science. Email only / Nur E-Mail / Correo electrónico solamente / Только электронная почта / само е-пошта / 僅限電子郵件. Email only / Nur E-Mail / Correo electrónico solamente / Только электронная почта / само е-пошта / 僅限電子郵件. Email only / Nur E-Mail / Correo electrónico solamente / Только электронная почта / само е-пошта / 僅限電子郵件. Email only / Nur E-Mail / Correo electrónico solamente / Только электронная почта / само е-пошта / 僅限電子郵件. Do Not Use Phone Number For Calls or Telegram. Use Email(screaminsky@gmail.com)

Higher education (master)

Институт международных образовательных программ, Прикладная Информатика в медиадизайне
Информатики, Информацонные технологии и прикладная информатика



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

GermanA1 — Basic

SerbianA1 — Basic

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Finland, Germany, Norway, Poland, Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter