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Female, 44 years, born on 23 December 1980

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, willing to relocate (Australia, Great Britain, Moscow, Norway, Saint Petersburg), not prepared for business trips

Cost Control, Planner, Administrative Manager, Contracts Specialist

3 000 $ in hand

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 20 years 11 months

December 2005currently
19 years 4 months
Exxon Neftegas Limited
Administrative Assistance for Start-Up and Completion Group
Office Manager responsibilities.
May 2004December 2005
1 year 8 months
Veco Company
Cost Engineer/ Administrative Supervisor
- Payroll processing; - Generating payroll Reports; - Expatriate Work History Documentation Maintenance; - Travel Coordination and support; - Document Control; - Translation and Interpretation; - Work with agencies & governmental authorities; - Registration of foreign citizens with AVIR and/or Frontier Passes; - Project control department document control; - Issue control & monitoring of subcontractors’ reports; - Man-hours tracking; - Making of summary reports on the basis of subcontractors’ reports; - Checking of subcontractors’ invoices; - Generating information for invoice.

About me

- Computer skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Visio, Vertes (PayRoll Program), Primavera (base knowledge)

Higher education

Plekhanov Academy of Economics
Finance and Credit, Economist
Sakhalin State University
Teacher of economy, Economist
Secondary School #9 with intensive studies of Oriental Languages and Culture.
Secondary School



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

SpanishA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

International standards of accountancy of the GAAP system.
Russian-American business training center, Certificate

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter