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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 30 years, born on 6 February 1995

Not looking for a job

Minsk, metro station Kuntsevschina, willing to relocate (Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Egypt, Spain, Canada, China, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, USA, Turkey, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, South Korea), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Senior Front-end Vue.js Javascript developer

4 000 $ in hand

  • Programmer, developer

Employment: full time, part time, work placement

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 7 years 9 months

June 2022currently
2 years 10 months

Minsk, wedextim.by/

Senior Vue.js Developer
Developing E-commerce product
May 2022currently
2 years 11 months

Minsk, teachmeskills.by/

Educational Institutions... Show more

Frontend course teacher
September 2020June 2022
1 year 10 months
ООО "Силк АИлайнс"

Minsk, www.silkdata.ai/main

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Middle frontend developer
Product development from Business Solutions. For half a year he held the position of the lead of the front-end team. My responsibilities included the development of concepts, support for existing and development of new modules. Distributed team, part of the Belarusian team: 1 front-end, 7 back-end people, QA and designer. From the German side: project architect, product owner, managers and a couple of developers. The business process was built according to the Scrum methodology Stack in project: Vue.js, Bootstrap, Vuex, Vue-router, .Net, ElasticSearch, New relic, Docker, K8S, CI/CD pipelines, feature branch in docker env, i18n
March 2022May 2022
3 months
IT STEP Computer Academy (@itstep.bg)

Minsk, itstep.by/

Frontend course teacher
May 2020September 2020
5 months

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Lead Frontend Vue.js developer
It the same team as in Visata Systems, just new owner. Developing Vue.js woodworking CRM project : The product is a complex enterprise management system, which includes the following modules: sales process management, procurement process, production and production planning, logistics, accounting, integration with other products, etc.; the product is divided into different industries with different types of wood. It is already used by dozens of European woodworking companies and the number of clients is growing. team stack (4 members): BE - django rest; FE - vue.js; ag-grid-vue; bootstrap; vue-multiselect; vuex BA
October 2019September 2020
1 year
Visata Systems LLC


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Frontend developer
Developing Vue.js woodworking CRM project : The product is a complex enterprise management system, which includes the following modules: sales process management, procurement process, production and production planning, logistics, accounting, integration with other products, etc.; the product is divided into different industries with different types of wood. It is already used by dozens of European woodworking companies and the number of clients is growing. team stack (5 members): BE - django django rest; FE - vue.js; ag-grid-vue; bootstrap; vue-multiselect; vuex BA
June 2019September 2019
4 months
ООО "Зубрсофт" (LiveStream)

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Front-end developer / Верстальщик
http://loot.bet/ : Layout of Angular components, logic for them. Working in a kubernetes Docker environment. Completion of assigned tasks on the Jira process (Kanban/Scrum). Team: 2 frontend, 1 fullstack, 2 BA, 2 QA
October 2018May 2019
8 months

Minsk, tesidex.com/en/

Frontend developer
Working on "Fat Burner" angular ionic cordova application: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=by.kg10.fatburner Solo work: Vue.js SPA http://soboika.tesidex.com Team: 2 fronted, 2 backend Stack in project: Angular, Ionic, Cordova, Laravel
June 2018September 2018
4 months
Синергия Групп

Minsk, www.raygler.net/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Junior Front-end developer
1. Using the Scrum approach in development. All the development was carried out with the help of assigning sprints to small tasks, which allowed the large task to be divided into many small ones, for convenience the Trello program was used. 2. Layout according to the requirements specification. The modern toolkit of the front-end development was used: Pug + PostCSS + Gulp, the component approach was used in the development, BEM, Grids were used on the CSS, plug-ins for minimizing the IMG & SVG. 3. Discussion of business processes: a) help in recruiting designers for the project (discussing their test tasks and choosing a variant of the concept acceptable for the current project); b) development of methods and methods for transferring resources from the designer to the front-end developer; c) creating a development life cycle for the front-end developer; d) assessment of the complexity and development time for each sprint; e) creation of a life cycle of development and support of the project. (Using Bitbucket, branching the development process and the patching process, individual branches for a stable and changeable version of the site) Sites: Powerdime (main project, layout) index https://igorstasiuk.github.io/powerdime/dist/ purchase https://igorstasiuk.github.io/powerdime/dist/purchase wallet https://igorstasiuk.github.io/powerdime/dist/wallet Rental index https://igorstasiuk.github.io/rental/dist/
July 2017July 2018
1 year 1 month
Индивидуальное предпринимательство / частная практика / фриланс
Vue.js Stock Trader http://vuejs-stock-trader-bdc9c.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/ Simple autorization app http://simple-vue-autorization.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/ Other projects https://igorstasiuk.github.io/gratia/dist/ https://igorstasiuk.github.io/calculator/dist/ https://igorstasiuk.github.io/fecit/dist/ https://igorstasiuk.github.io/education/ https://igorstasiuk.github.io/imaginative/ https://igorstasiuk.github.io/sedona/dist/


Skill proficiency levels
Advanced level
Local storage
ES 5/6
Vue 2/3
Medium level
Gitlab CI/CD

About me

What i can do also: 1. Using mobile first style css coding; 2. Adaptive + response Landing websites / SPA/ Multipage websites; 3. Work by Scrum process (sprints); 4. Remake jquery plugins (slick slider, JQueryFormStyler etc) for website; 5. Using component model of project (Gulp + Pug + PostCSS / Gulp + Nunjucks + PostCSS\SCSS). 6. Commit all changes on Git / Bitbucket. 7. Can make simple svg's, like different arrows; Skills: Front-end: Vue.js 2/3, Vuex/Pinia, Vue-router, HTML, CSS3, PostCSS, JavaScript, Gulp, Prepros, Pug, Git, npm, yarn, SASS / SCSS, JQuery, Bootstrap / Foundation, JSON API, local storage, BEM, FlexBox, Grids, Nunjucks, local storage, AJAX, SVG, Webpack/Vite, Drag'n'Drop Now learning: React/Next, RTQuery, Typescript Business: Agile, Scrum

Higher education (master)

Nikolaev university of shipbuilding
Coputer sciencies and information technologies, Information control systems and technologies



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

JapaneseA1 — Basic

UkrainianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Beetroot Academy
Beetroot, Junior Front-end Developer

Tests, examinations

Beetroot Academy in Ukraine
Beetroot, Junior Front-end developer

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Ukraine

Permission to work: Belarus

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter