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Male, 36 years, born on 24 September 1988

Considers offers

Moscow, willing to relocate (Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden), prepared for occasional business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

TechLead / CTO

7 000 $ in hand

  • Development team leader

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 14 years 9 months

March 2023currently
2 years 1 month
LLC "Arqod technologies"

Moscow, arqod.com/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

I participated in creation of software for redundant storage of big data on a distributed pool of drives - new levels of software RAID. A large-scale system for testing the product and maintaining its quality was invented and implemented. The main algorithms are written in accordance with the intellectual property of the company. A high rate of cross-platform is supported, all major architectures of computers are covered - x86-64, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, E2K (Elbrus), Risc-V. I supervised the development of embedded linux solutions with continuous quality control. I organized a distributed validation system for the main product and all others. I formed a product concept for this software and distribution model. I took part in the synthesis and registration of intellectual property at the level of composition and description of software and hardware. I also created server specifications and organized their pilot production and integration.
May 2024September 2024
5 months

Moscow, graviton.ru/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Techlead dept software defined storages for data and AI
I was a leader of new dept for the hardware and software defined systems dased on the server systems. My work consist of create the SDS systems to adopt it to high load AI tasks and data aquisition with the solve of tasks to create clustered data systems, reliable dual controllers systems. I got a big experience in architecture of products for bigdata projects with very high volume of data sizes and high performance architecture design for higl load tasks for supercomputers.
July 2022June 2023
1 year

Dolgoprudny (Moscow region), ai.mipt.ru/centers/wireless_communication

Head of mobile networking dept "5G base stations and space satellites integration"
I organized the new dept, hiring staff and created the prospective project of building the 5G "offshore" base stations integrated with space satellites in Ku and Ka bands for IP traffic aggregation. This project used the modern open RAN approach to create the base station which will have the great potential to create the modern mobile private networks outside the country for industrial applications.
October 2021September 2022
1 year

Moscow, verbex.ru/

I was a technical head director of a new promising startup in the field of speech technologies and devices. I Created a general structure of the company's products and their implementation in terms of software and electronics development. I Participated in the processes of organizing operations, assembled a compact technical team, created a cloud-based external and internal infrastructure for conducting activities in the field of machine learning. I set up the process of working with data and their labeling, organized the process of training speech recognition models, their testing (validation) and release. Organized the search and contracting of external technical teams: IT integration and work on the release of speech recognition models for telephony. Set up licensing processes, work with intangible assets, participated in pre-sales and the formation of non-material equity. Participated in field of events to attract investments. Formed a pool of descriptions for promising products in the field of speech. I made some of them to MVP state. Started pilot projects base on MVP. Assisted in the design and registration of intellectual property, worked with technical annexes to contracts for the sale of products, made an expertise of voice devices
May 2021November 2021
7 months
Docet Ti AI

Moscow, docet.ai/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Project Lead (self-driving electric automotive)
I was a lead of artificial intellegence project in the self-driving electric automotive area. I was writing the project plan, the unit economy model of commercial applications, purchased several MVP prototypes, aquired the team consist of ML, bigData, automotive engineers, game programmers. We organized and started the new startup company from scratch and I supposed to help to provide with another product management work for new areas of AI. I created the team placement work area, bought equipment for staff. I also organized the initial devOPS process for CI ( (Amazon AWS). and local infrastracture tasks. My main role was a initial product architect. We started the really new cool project which can be a big thing in convergent area between people and cars controlled by them. I also organized the work in AWS Deep Racer - international self driving competitions and we took place in world TOP-50 teams and move the company to PRO league actively using the Reinforcment learning and AutoML as the prospective practice to create control AI.
March 2020May 2021
1 year 3 months

Moscow, mts.ai/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

The lead of MTS AI devices dept
I organized the mass production of smart speakers. Provided the DVT, EVT, PVT. With my team we created from scratch the C++ software cross platform native Marwin core super app. We integrated it to smart speaker, smart watch, personal PC. mobile phone (Android and iOS). We also created the firmware for audio bages (audio analytics systems)
February 2019February 2020
1 year 1 month

Moscow, www.mts.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Lead technician
I created the hardware part of MTS Marwin smart assistant project - the Smart Speaker Devices. The hardware devices were the smart speakers, audio bages, experimental acoustic devices. The team for MTS devices dept was acquired with my high role of activity. The mobile Marwin APP contains the Hands Free voice UI developed combined with Spotter, which was developed in my dept too. I also introduce the DSP pipeline with noise cancel, AEC, sound source localization, beam forming.
February 2012February 2019
7 years 1 month
Wicron LLC

Moscow, wicron.com/

- The area of activity - designing and manufacturing robots. - Position - Project Manager and Embedded Engineer - Duties: design documentation, procurement of components, manufacturing of electronics, assembly, adjustment of electronic circuits, PCB layout, creating distribution of work between team members, debugging, creating the material and technical base, working with an investor, looking for clients. - Authority - Full stack product management. This was my main startup product. https://wicron.com/
June 2016December 2016
7 months
Lexy LLC

Moscow, www.lexybot.com/

I was a CTO of the first startup company which crated the first fully autonomous Russian smart speaker. I was a Techlead in hardware area and industrial design. The result was creating the all electronic boards from scratch - cam module, motherboard, octa beam array of mics (analogue and digital ones), the electronics boards for LED, MEMS (Gyro, Accel), amplifier, clock drivings, I also created the equipment for mass production (plastic moulds injections) http://www.lexybot.com/
October 2015May 2016
8 months

Moscow, www.skoltech.ru

Educational Institutions... Show more

My duty was to create a prototype of babyfeel device with full product customer development. I created the industrial design, the Linux embedded distribution, hardware boards. My team has written the system software. This was a scientific program combined with Intel membership mentor program which was very usefull for me. We also created the mobile Android and iOS app for edge connecting IoT device using the BLE stack
September 2010June 2011
10 months
Moscow center of robotics n.a. Bauman

Moscow, robot.bmstu.ru/

Lab technician
- Scientific and educational center of MSTU n.a. Bauman - The area of activity – developing and producing of mobile robots - Position – team leader, embedded engineer. - Duties: development of project documentation, components acquiring, assembly, electronics schematics correction, tracing electronic boards, components soldering, project scheduling, debugging, laboratory equipment acquiring - Authority – allocation of responsibilities, control of finances. - The degree of responsibility: keeping the financial report, create a sample of technical assignment strictly in accordance to the specified time, the responsibility for the staff, facilities and equipment.
September 2009May 2010
9 months
LLC Intehsoc


Mechanical engineering technology
- The area of activity – development, production and installing lifters for disabled people - Position – design engineer; - Duties - project development of lifter for disabled, assembling and prototypes. installing - Authority – parts manufacturing control, guide assembly. - Achievement: Technical project was created including working documentation for installing, assembly and using. The work had been done in Solidworks CAD system. I upgraded the old basic 2d project which had been done by previous staff. I could integrate the new computer drive control system, created wireless connection between lifter and control panel. At the end of the work I created two modifications and full 3d model ones. Also I created the systems balancing cam type, design and manufacturing of slip control system, reducing the total cost of the individual units of the system by refined calculations, designed custom gear motor.


Skill proficiency levels
Altium Designer
Software Development
Data Mining
Team management
Project management
Leadership Skills
Контроль качества
руководство командой разработчиков
Аналитические способности
Разработка ПО

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category A, B, C

About me

Engineer skills: Mechanical engineering: Solidworks, CNС, 3D printer. Composite manufacturing, 3D CAD, 2D drawing, cable drawings. specification, BOM, repair documents, users manuals. Hardware Engineer. Altium PCB, schematics, BOMs, GERBER. EVT, DVT, PVT. Certification processes. Embedded Engineer: STM32 (Cortex M3,M4), NXP (Cortex M3 MCU), AVR (8 bit), Microchip (PIC16), XMOS, ESP32 Embedded Linux: Buildroot, Ubuntu Core, Debian, Yocto, Boot2QT SOCs: Freescale: IMX.233, IMX.6 Samsung Exynos 4412, S5P6818 Rockchip: RK3388, RK3399, RK3308 Allwinner: A13, A10s, A80 Amlogic: A113x, S905X2, S905X3 Ti: Sitara Family AM335x Broadcom: BCM2835 Nuvoton: NUC972 series AI: Tensorlow lite 1.15, 2.4+. LSTM, CNN models. Technologies: ASR, TTS, NLP, Spotter, VAD, Voice DSP: Noise cancel, keyword hotword detection, AEC, SSL (sound source location), beamformer. Product quality for Voice application. Data mining. Acoustic augmentation and adoption. Voice UI, hands free UI. Software development: C, C++ (14), Cross platform Software. QT. Linux kernel modules Robotics: Telepresence, SLAM, web-rtc, wheell driving control systems (DC, stepper, async, sync), Electornic control systems for engines. Telematics, Power Supply controls. Networking: MQTT, Modbus, Websockets, Sockets, NATS, HLS, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP. Tech leader: - Tech creation for prospective new depts - Task management - Continuous quality management - Mass product system ( till 5000+ devices per week) - Scientific projects management - Teambuilding - Project Documentation - ML based products neural networks based. Inference optimization processes (ARM, nVIDIA tensorRT, Intel openVINO, some of NPUs, mobile GPU - NNAPI). Personal features: - Scientific applied approach - Hard working - Wide engineer profile - Critical missions high response - able for study new and improve current tech skills - tech perfectionist - self made person - Hardware components guru - Theory of inventive problem solving - Project management - Public relationships like (exhibitions, meetups, coaching) - High response tests for quality of products - Hardware product management Area of interests: - AI technologies - Smart speakers - Robotic systems - Embedded systems - Portable Gadgets


Higher education

Space robotics, Robotics
Dorodnitsyn Computing Centre (CCAS)
Computing and electronics, Computers, networks
MSTU n.a. Bauman
Robotics and automation, Robotics
MSTU n.a. Bauman
Special machines, Rockets and artillery systems



EnglishC1 — Advanced

FrenchA1 — Basic

GermanA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

MSTU n.a. Bauman
MSTU n.a. Bauman, German language
Military institute n.a. Bauman
MSTU n.a. Bauman, Radiolocation systems
MSTU n.a. Bauman
MSTU n.a. Bauman, «Proficient English in business world»
Beckhoff, Beckhoff automation applied course for engineers
MSTU n.a. Bauman
Moscow institute of high skilled creators , The theory of inventive solving tasks
MSTU n.a. Bauman
MSTU n.a. Bauman, English “Intermediate” courses
Military Artillery Engineering Academy named after F.E.Dzerzhinsky
MSTU n.a. Bauman, Applied summer school

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter