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Male, 37 years, born on 1 November 1987

Almaty, willing to relocate (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, Qatar, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, UAE, Oman, Poland, Russia, USA, Ukraine), prepared for business trips

Sales Manager, Brand Manager, Project Manager

500 000  in hand

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 16 years 9 months

July 2011currently
13 years 9 months
Mars CEAB (Kazakhstan)
Territory Sales Supervisor
Зона ответсвенности: --- Алматинский регион (город и часть области) --- г. Талдыкорган (плюс прилегающая область) --- Каналы продаж - BTC, OSDO, Self-Service, Pet Food, Special Pet Food, Open Markets, Educational, Horeca --- Управление командой - до 50 торговых представителей, 5 супервайзеров, 7 мерчендайзеров и 9 GTFов (установщики оборудования) Area of responsibility: --- The Almaty region (part of the city and rural area) --- Taldykorgan and closest region Main sales channels - BTC, OSDO, Self-Service, Pet Food, Special Pet Food, Open Markets, Educational, Horeca --- Team management consisting of 5 supervisors, 60 trade agents, 7 merchendisers and 14 GTF's. Основные обязанности: Участие в наборе, тренингах, мотивации команды торговых представителей и супервайзеров Участие в разработке и выполнение годового плана по категориям продуктов и по каналам продаж на территории Участие в разработке и внедрение системы измерения и контроля эффективности работы команды торговых агентов и супервайзеров Осуществление и улучшение тренинг процессов для агентов и супервайзеров Стимулирование продаж Проведение необходимого количества аудитов торговых точек на территории Контроль складских помещений дистрибьютора на соответствие условиям хранения Выполнение целей по ключевым параметрам работы (КПР) Постановка целей для команд- супервайзеров, торговых представителей и мерчендайзеров Процесс и ведение переговоров с дистрибьютором и основными, ключевыми клиентами Разроботка новых инновационных проектов для улчушения продаж - Control and monitor the trading teams consisted of 50 trade representatives, 5 supervisors and 7 merchandisers - Develop the training and motivation programs - Develop and manage retail outlets on specific territory to enable Mars to increase the sales - Meet the needs of the professional stores and grow category sales - Develop the programs for reaching and increasing the overall sales goals - Control the distributor’s warehouses in order to satisfy the required quality - Stimulation of sales - Negotiation process with distributor, key customers Достижения - Полная реализация потенциала канала OSDO и вывод его из кризиса (прирост на 100%) - Изобретения новых типов оборудования и POSM материалов - Модификации и инновации тренинг процесса - Внедрения иннофационого подхода для развития сотрудников - Имплементация процесса "брендинг" на торговые точки территории Алматы и Южного Казахстана - The full realization of OSDO selling channel. Full regeneration of OSDO channel resulted in the doubled sales growth. - The creation of new types of equipment and POSM materials - Modifications and innovations to the training process - Implementation of innovative project in order to improve and develop associates - Implementation of branding process throughout the trade outlets
November 2010March 2011
5 months
Apple city distributors
Retail account manager
Обязанности: * Управление взаимоотношениями с ключевыми клиентами и развитие их бизнеса по портфелю P&G * Обеспечение выполнения целей компании в развитии дистрибуции и продаж в торговых точках * Лидирование инициатив, направленных на повышение доли продукции P&G на рынке * Разработка и осуществление планов развития бизнеса * Определение и использование локальных возможностей для развития бизнеса . The company is the official distributor of Procter and Gamble production in Kazakhstan. The work responsibilities included: Communication with key clients. Participation in their business development programs. Reaching the key company's goals, such as sales and distribution. The implementation of leading initiatives in order to increase the amount of P&G production on the market. The creation and implementation of the strategic plans for the future business development. The ability to estimate the value and potential of the local areas for the future improvement of business environment. As a result I have improved my communication and negotiations skills. Also, my I have started to use the time more efficiently in order to be able to complete more tasks. Meanwhile, the work has improved my self discipline and motivation. The working achievements were the following: - Improving the business performance of the key clients, by increasing their sales and turnover by 20-30%. - Reaching the key goals of the company such as marketing, loyalty with the customers. - Obtaining the seminars, training programs for new comers.
January 2009September 2010
1 year 9 months
Second Bridge Night Club
Bar manager
The work responsibilities were the following: I worked as bar assistant on events with up to 1000 customers. Main duties included watching and controlling the bartenders and serving customers. I was also running and creating promotional events for the club and organized different types of parties. Moreover, I was responsible for the whole bar team, which consisted of 7-8 people. More duties included the cooperation with the owners and substitution in case of their absence. This work requires efficient teamwork under high pressure, good communication and interpersonal skills as well as good time management. The achievements were the following: - Constant increasing of the monthly sales of the company. - Inventing the idea of "Queue jump" - special marketing campaign, which simplified the entrance problem and increase the sales at the same time. - Providing the teaching seminars for the newcomers.
May 2008September 2008
5 months
SL company
Account assistant
Work responsibilities: I assisted in accounting department of the company. I was responsible for assistance in preparing the financial statements of the company for a monthly period. For that I was analyzing the company’s performance for the month and helped to present them in an appropriate way. Moreover the work included the research and competitors analysis. It improved my times management skills, as well as taught me to work under the time pressure. I was introduced to economics behind the project and ways of reducing the final cost. Work achievements: - The main achievement was the fact that I have completed all my duties in time and did not disappoint anyone in the company in spite of the tough requirements and tasks.
May 2007September 2007
5 months
SL Company
PR manager
I worked as a PR manager and participated in promoting the product outside the local region of the country and providing the consulting services for clients about the features of the products. I helped to organize the charity events in children houses organized by the company, by communicating with local singers to participate in the event. It improved my communication and organizational skills and familiarized me with local varieties of people. Work achievements: - The organization of the local concerts, some of which became the first according to their subject matter (e.g. The concert of local RnB celebrities against AIDS). - One of the creator and initiator of the charity program for that time period.

About me

=> Professional Memberships: -Student member of SIFE (2005-2008), FBG group (2006-2008), American Football Association (2004-2008), Kazakh (vice president) and Russian societies in University of Bath and BKS Young Professional Club => Languages: Russian and Kazakh are native, fluent English, beginner in Spanish and Chinese. => Computing: Conversant with Microsoft and MAC Office package. Intermediate user of E-Views, Google SketchUp. Intermediate user of Matlab. => Driving license: I hold a full clean driving license =>Sport: o Member of Kazakhstan national youth karate team (2001-2004) – winner of local and international competitions from 1998 to 2004 o Captain of Bath university men karate team (2010), bronze medalist of BUCS (British Universities Clubs and Societies) competition o Member and defensive captain of Bath University American football team (2008 till now)- winner of British Challenging Cup Trophy in 2009. =>The key features of character: -Sociable -Hardworking -Punctual -Tactful -Self motivated

Higher education (master)

University of Bath
International Management, Hold a MSc degree with merit (Completed dissertation work)
University of Bath
Accounting and Finance, Hold a MSc degree (Completed dissertation work)
Finance (Major); Marketing (Minor), Hold a BSc degree with merit



ChineseA1 — Basic

EnglishC2 — Proficiency

FrenchA1 — Basic

KazakhB2 — Upper Intermediate

Professional development, courses

Presentation skills
MARS University, Certificate
Passion for chocolate
Mars University, Certificate
Negotiations Skills
Mars University, Certificate
Negotiation Skills
MARS University, Certificate
Selling skills 2
MARS University, Certificate
Selling skills
Mars University, Certificate
Financial seminars
University of Bath, Certificate
International Business Strategy seminars
University of Bath, Certificate
The guest lectures with representatives from the following companies ( Ted Baker - The president; Santander Bank - The CEO; Goldman Sachs- The CEO)
University of Bath

Tests, examinations

British Council, 7.0

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter