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Male, 58 years, born on 7 May 1966
Armenia, willing to relocate (Germany, Moscow, Norway, USA, Sweden), not prepared for business trips
Senior java developer / Team Lead
3 800 $ in hand
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, remote working
Work experience 14 years
December 2013 — January 2015
1 year 2 months
Kyiv, www.luxoft.com
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Senior Java Developer
Product Name: FICC FX OneTool.
Product owner: UBS
Short description: OneTool (also called FXOT: FX Option Trader) is a
UBS strategic application within the MCC business group. OneTool is
used by internal users as well as external e-com clients for trading of FX
Vanilla & Exotic Options, FX Cash, Money Market, Interest Rate, Base
Metal, Non-Deliverables and Precious Metal Products.
I respond for the bugs fixing, enhancements implement, writing
technical and dev test evidence documentation, product support.
Technologies and platform: Java Swing, MVC, XML, Linux
July 2011 — December 2013
2 years 6 months
Cubic GTS
Armenia, www.cubic.com/
Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more
Senior Software Developer
Development and maintenance Cubic GTS distributed application and Web Interface.
Collect and processing heterogeneous data from our devices (throw GSM and Iridium channels).
Show information about tracking containers via Web Interface.
March 2010 — June 2011
1 year 4 months
Energize Global Services, Yerevan
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Team Lead
Project Name: Call Center
Short description: Call Center (CC) is the Web based application which allows operators to collect additional information about the caller such as caller name , phone number, address, issue type, solution of issue that operator offers to a caller. CC communicates to IP PBX device over XML-RPC protocol and gets the notifications about details of the call.
CC includes the calls logging and reporting tool, the user management and configuration tool, the call records repository.
Technologies and platform: AJAX, JQuery-1.4.1, Struts 2 Framework, Spring 2.5.6 Framework, Spring Security 2.0.5, iBATIS 2.3.4, Abator 1.0, XML-RPC, Apache Tomcat 6,T-SQL, MSSQL 2005, Win Server 2003
Project Name: MobiToWeb
Short description: Design and develop the system gives the end user ability to share their photo and video files on his mobile device with all people who has access to his profile. Coordinate team work, writing technical specification. Coordinate team logistics. Communicate team status, task accomplishment, and direction. My part of coding: payment module (via sms) ESME.
Technologies and platform: AJAX, Struts 1.2 Framework, PLSQL , Oracle 9i, Win Server 2003
Protocols: SMPP
Project Name: Evolution PMM Penury.
Short description: This project part of Product Marketing Manager System of Castorama France. The goal of this project is to supply the effective search of products by given criteria. The criteria are affect the result of products that were be mark as «penurie».
Technologies: AJAX, Struts 2 Framework, Spring 2 Framework, Hibernate 3, Oracle 9i, Linux , Maven2, Ant
July 2009 — March 2010
9 months
101 WORLDWIDE LABS , Yerevan
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Senior developer
Project Name: Ad Server
Short description: Add new feature to BBelements Ad Server. The BB Elements is an independent division of the Internet BillBoard, a.s., Company. Its main objective is to further enhance development and support of the web ad system called BBelements Ad Server (BBmedia). Investigation of Terracotta Server. Stress testing, the ability to integrate with Ad Server of new version.
Implementing functionality: Internet User Info integration with Spring , Internet User Info is a module of Ad Sever in charge of processing unique user ID , and return user specific info.
Technologies: XML-RPC, Spring Framework, iBATIS, MySQL, Linux , Terracotta Server, Maven2
Project Name: Intext
Short description: Intext is a system for intextual advertising.
Implementing functionality: PayPal Payment Channel. Integration Intext’s Financial module with PayPal payment system.
Platform: PayPal Payment Platform (“Website Payments Standard “ , “Website Payments Pro” , “Payflow Link”, “Payflow Pro”)
July 2008 — June 2009
1 year
Lycos – Armenia , Inc. , Yerevan
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Senior developer (java)
Product Name: Jubii Mail
Short description: New Lycos Mail system, design and develop system with scalable architecture with new user friendly web interface and new facilities (user files storage, voice IP facility, etc.).
Implementing functionality: Trashcan module, back-end part .Validation module, back-end part. Test tools for checking app performance in multi thread mode.
Technologies: JavaScript, AJAX(dwr-2.0.5), Struts Framework, JSP, XML, Spring Framework, iBATIS, MySQL, Linux
October 2004 — July 2008
3 years 10 months
Lycos – Armenia , Inc. , Yerevan
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Java developer
Product Name: Jubii Chat
Short description: New Lycos Chat system, design and develop system with scalable architecture for service 1M online users.
Implementing functionality: Jubii Chat Sign-up and Sing-in part
Goal : design and develop Jubii Chat Sign-up and Sing-in part and integrate it with Lycos Sign-up system.
Requirement: Sing-in (5000 per. sec.) Sing-up (100 per. sec.)
Technologies: JSP, Java, XML, SOAP, MySQL, Linux
Implementing functionality: Jubii Chat Comment module, back-end part. Jubii Chat Rating module, back-end part
Technologies: JSP, Native Jubii Chat protocol, Java, XML, MySQL, Linux
Product Name: Live Chat
Short descripton: The goal of this project is a design and development chat subsystem for online interaction of users with the famous persons (guest), back-end part.
Technologies: JavaScript, DHTML, JSP, Servlet, Java , XML, Tomcat, JBoss , MySQL , Linux
February 2001 — September 2004
3 years 8 months
Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan
Educational Institutions... Show more
Senior Web Developer
Project Name: NAS Web site
Short description: Developing and maintenance web site of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia.
Technologies: DHTML, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Linux
Project Name: DFS
Short description: The goal of this project is a design and development the document flow system on the basis of information systems
Technologies: JavaScript, DHTML, JSP, Servlet, Java , XML, Apache, Tomcat , PostgreSQL , Linux
Higher education
State Engineering University of Armenia
Radio-electronics, Master of Engineering Sciences in Radio-electronics
Tests, examinations
MSSQL Server 2008 R2 administration training
Microsoft Innovation Center
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.4
Sun Microsystems, 69
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Armenia
Permission to work: Armenia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter