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Female, 47 years, born on 12 December 1977
Kazan, willing to relocate (Australia, Austria, Great Britain, Denmark, Ireland, Canada, Moscow, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, UAE, USA, Sochi, Switzerland, Sweden, South Africa), not prepared for business trips
A position of an Architect / Project manager with a reputable company
- Project manager
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 23 years 9 months
April 2010 — currently
15 years
“Премьер -Интерьер” Ltd., Kazan
Architectural design of public and commercial buildings, housing; renovation projects in Kazan.
Master plans of Kazan; interiors of residential, public and commercial facilities
November 2008 — March 2010
1 year 5 months
Self-employed. Kazan
architect /designer
Architectural design and interior design for private clients
July 2007 — October 2008
1 year 4 months
“Capital Group” Ltd., Moscow
architect, deputy project manager
Duties: Architectural design;
supervision of techno-economical estimates;
for compliance with deadlines for architectural and working drawings;
development of design assignments;
supervision for compliance with current standards, norms and regulations;
coordination with general contractors and subcontractors, negotiations, presentations - submitting proposals for approval; author’s supervision on site.
Projects completed:
Multifunctional Facility “Legenda Tsvetnogo”, 2 Tsvetnoy Blvd., Moscow
Multifunctional Facility “Imperial House”, 6 Yakimansky, Moscow
February 2007 — June 2007
5 months
MOTEK-C, Moscow
Architectural design of public and commercial buildings, warehouses; renovation projects, inc. master plans of Zelenograd
September 2004 — January 2007
2 years 5 months
Self-employed. Kazan
architect /designer
Architectural design and interior design for private clients
August 2003 — August 2004
1 year 1 month
Project Ltd., Kazan
Designs of housing and commercial facilities in RT. Reconstruction of recreational facility with a swimming pool; master plans in the cities of Kazan and Almetievsk; interiors of residential, public and commercial facilities
July 2001 — August 2003
2 years 2 months
Head Administration of Architecture and Urban Development of the city of Kazan., Kazan
leading architect
completed over 150 land plot passports for auctioning; worked on subdividing existing land plots based on the standards
Driving experience
Driver's license category B
About me
Highly professional; work well under pressure, meet demanding deadlines,
with solid and diverse technical knowledge; creative and dedicated. Good team player with great communication skills, responsible and hard working; self-motivated, punctual and attentive to detail.
Computer and Technical Skills
Over 6 years experience in AutoCAD, 3DMAX, Corel Draw
Higher education
Kazan State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Diploma of an Architect
Art School No 3, Kazan
Diploma of an Art School
Professional development, courses
Certificate of Expert in Estimates, Kazan
Diploma of a Certificate of Expert in Estimates
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter