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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Male, 25 years, born on 6 May 1999
Not looking for a job
Almaty, willing to relocate (Germany, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden), prepared for business trips
Data Scientist
- Analyst
- Data scientist
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 8 months
January 2020 — March 2020
3 months
Data Analyst intern
• Monthly planning of industrial and test targeted marketing communications with customers
• Formation of requirements for launching campaigns along with the customer
• Description of the multi-step and multi-channel campaign process together with the
• Development, launch, control of campaigns
• Unloading data from sources (formation of requirements, testing and acceptance of results).
• Assessment of completeness, depth, the correctness of data in DWH
• A full assessment of the eectiveness of the campaign: channels, segments, oers, control
groups, versions and periods, generations
• Campaign audit, campaign optimization and renement, change management
• Preparation of recommendations for optimizing business and client processes
• Working on increasing sales, attracting customers, retaining customers, cross-selling, up-selling
together with business
June 2019 — August 2019
3 months
Back-end intern
• Developed microservices using Symfony framework that improved customer experience
• Created a microservice that transliterated Cyrillic Kazakh to its Latin script
• Fixed various bugs, improving the user's experience
• Participated in on-call meetings
• Created, maintained and deployed new microservices using docker
• Created new clean database relations on demand
• Wrote clean, well-documented API nodes for the front-end developer to use
• Created model, controller, as well as API nodes for the new blog feature
• Used RabbitMQ queues to optimize the message brokering between microservices
December 2018 — January 2019
2 months
Institute of Information and Computation Technologies
• Developed a marking tool for doctors to mark the anomalies on patients' X-RAY images
• Applied computer vision solutions to detect anomalies on the forementioned pictures
• Employed Natural Language technologies to analyze big amount of medical texts
Created API nodes that are up to professional standard, thus allowing easy communication
with the front-end
Suggested and employed the usage of the docker, thus eliminating the inconsistency in the
• Wrote clean, well-documented code that allowed other team members easier understanding
Skill proficiency levels
Higher education (master)
Innopolis University
Data Science, Data Science
FIT, Computer Science and Software Engineering
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter