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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than a week ago
Not looking for a job
Batumi, willing to relocate (Belarus, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, USA, Finland, Sweden), prepared for business trips
Frontend developer
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time, part time
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working
Work experience 5 years 1 month
October 2023 — currently
1 year 6 months
Reliotex (outsourcing)
Frontend Developer
• project migration from Vue2 to Vue3.
• development of reusable components library.
• implementation of user interface components.
• code optimization and refactoring.
May 2022 — August 2023
1 year 4 months
Admirals (project: e-commerce, trading, web)
Frontend Developer
• contributed to the redesign of the e-commerce platform by developing and maintaining a library of reusable components
• contributed to the migration from Vue to Nuxt
• using composition API for enhanced maintainability of logic
• working with charts for data visualization
July 2020 — April 2022
1 year 10 months
BTS (project: CRM system, logistics company)
Frontend Team Lead / Frontend Developer
• created app architecture
• fixed critical bugs
• refactored previous codebase
• migrated the app from bootstrap-vue to Vuetify
• designed VUEX store
• set up a feature for more convenient git-flow (step-by-step constructing conventional-like commits)
• creating new components
• working on setting up storybook.js for a more convenient workflow on the project.
Experience in team management:
• interactions with analytics teams to translate business requirements into actionable tasks for my team
• coordinated efforts between frontend and backend teams to streamline project execution and enhance collaboration
• distributing tasks to developers
April 2020 — June 2020
3 months
Beautyzone (project: SPA for a beauty services business)
Frontend Developer
• spearheaded the design and development of a single-page application (SPA) for a beauty services platform, including crafting the brand's visual identity (logo and business cards)
• implemented a QR code system on business cards that directs users to the application, enhancing user engagement and streamlining access.
• configured and managed a Firebase database and authentication system to support secure and scalable user registration and login processes
• developed a robust feature for displaying services and dynamically calculating prices based on user-specific details, enhancing personalized user experiences
• integrated multiple APIs to enable direct communication between clients and service providers through social media platforms directly from the user's mobile device, facilitating seamless interaction
February 2020 — April 2020
3 months
NDA (project: retail, CRM system)
Frontend Developer
• working on the project as a frontend developer in cooperation with a backend developer
• migrate large CRM from jQuery to Vue
• had some experience working with WebSockets
Skill proficiency levels
Advanced level
Medium level
Basic level
Driving experience
Driver's license category A, B
About me
JavaScript - 4yrs+
TypeScript - 2yrs
Vue 2, VUEX - 3yrs+
Vue 3, Pinia, Nuxt 3, composition API - 2yrs+
React, React Native - internship
Vuetify SPA SSR Crowdin Git Gitlab Jenkins Firebase Leadership Sentry Flexbox Grid WebSocket HTML5 CSS SCSS BEM UI/UX JIRA Sprint Canban
About me:
As a front-end developer with 4+ years of experience, I specialize in creating user-friendly applications.
I've led a frontend team, coordinating closely with backend teams to streamline project execution and improve collaboration. This role also involved direct interaction with analytics teams to translate business requirements into clear, actionable tasks.
I am keenly interested in software architecture and aspire to become a software architect.
Incomplete higher education
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Professional development, courses
UDEMY, Javascript Algorithms and Data Structures (прохожу обучение)
UDEMY, NodeJS - The Complete Guide (incl. Deno, REST APIs, GraphQL) (прохожу обучение)
UDEMY, The Complete JavaScript Course
UDEMY, The Next Generation of Javascript
UDEMY, Modern React with Redux (React, Redux, React Router, Webpack, Hooks)
HTP Educational Center
IT ACADEMY, Frontend fundamentals
UDEMY, CSS Flexbox - Mastering the Basics
HTP Educational Center
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Belarus
Permission to work: Belarus, Georgia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter