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Мужчина, 39 лет, родился 20 июля 1985

Южно-Сахалинск, готов к переезду (Австралия, Великобритания, Екатеринбург, Калининград, Калужская область, Канада, Катар, Красная Поляна, Краснодар, Москва, Новая Зеландия, Новороссийск, Норвегия, ОАЭ, Оренбург, Пермь, Республика Башкортостан, Республика Татарстан, США, Самара, Санкт-Петербург, Саратов, Сочи, Тюмень, Уфа, Челябинск), готов к командировкам

Construction Manager

  • Другое

Занятость: полная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 17 лет 4 месяца

Июнь 2017по настоящее время
7 лет 11 месяцев

Южно-Сахалинск, www.sakhalinenergy.ru

Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Construction Manager
Represent Company as Contract Holder within 3 Construction Contracts  Offshore platform construction  Decrease the expenses on Construction activities on 23%  Increase on site productivity on 7% (direct hours).  Decrease the duration of construction activities on 14 % (per, tn, m, rtc).  Control expenses within the approved contract price to meet the purpose and avoid overrun and comply with other construction contract requirements.  Support Supply Chain Management team for commercial evaluation if required.  Coordinate Construction orders award process in line with Company procedures, taking part in it as a contract holder.  Control construction schedule, cost, scope and progress.  Control that contractors are comply with design documentation, construction norms and rules, technical specifications and other regulatory documents.  Ensure that contractors’ QA/QC system is in place and in line with contract requirements.  Ensure coordination of QA/QC activities aimed to deliver high quality product.  Spot checks of construction activities to confirm quality of construction.  Organize qualification for new procedures (welding, painting, testing and etc.) when required and keeps tracking of all qualified resources and techniques.  Provide support to the QA/QC of the Project Engineering for assurance activities.  Ensure that contractor’s HSE management system is in place and in line with contract requirements. Cascade and promotes Сompany HSE values.  Verify Contractors’ progress reports. Verify monthly invoices.  Track construction KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).  Provide support to Company’s HSE Department as far as construction sites are concerned.
Декабрь 2010Август 2016
5 лет 9 месяцев

Россия, www.total.com/

Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Construction Superintendent
• Verification, control and technical supervision of works on installation of equipment (pressure vessels, valves, etc.), process pipelines, steel structures of the Central Processing Facility, construction External Gas, Water and Oil pipelines, Pig launcher and receiver units, Block Valve Stations, Metering unit, Gathering pipelines and stations on the CPF, EP-1 pad, EP-2 pad, NP-1 pad. • Control technical documentation of operation, repair, construction of the supervising facilities; • Support construction manager in preparation of production plans and schedules for contractors, in coordination of contractors activities on site; • Planning maintenance and construction activities on the pipelines and piping; • Follow Up and Verify all documentations proposed by the Contractor; • Ensures that all activities supervised are performed with design and requirements of normative documentation, with the proper degree of safety and environment protection; • Ensures that all activities supervised are performed in respect of Contract, purchase order, change order terms and conditions; • Follow Up and Verify compliance with technical specifications, drawings and procedures; • Follow Up, verify and report the progress and schedule; • Manage construction (all) interfaces with others: contractors, operations etc.; • Provide necessary input and participate in clarifications, negotiations etc.; • Anticipate potential problems. Analyze and propose corrective actions; • Supervise the preparation of the pre-commissioning and commissioning activities (organization, procedures); • Assist or issue in due time all reporting (daily, weekly, monthly, final report); • Participates in meeting related to the area of responsibility; • Contribute to audits of Contractors or Sub-Contractors in co-operation with the QA/QC department.
Сентябрь 2009Декабрь 2010
1 год 4 месяца

Нижнекамск, taneco.ru

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Senior Project Engineer
A Construction and Commissioning Project for Refining and Petrochemical Complex in Nizhnekamsk. ● Provides management and leadership of all aspects of Piping at the project site, supervising all piping activities on the Tank Farm Area. ● Frequently assesses subcontractors for their work and quality standards for them meeting the project specifications. ● Ensures that all the work activities get completed as per project specifications. ● Responsible for establishing, promoting and maintaining a safe and hazard free working environment. ● Plans for the deployment and redeployment of resources for timely completion of work. ● Develops and maintains computerized critical path method schedules based on engineering, procurement and construction philosophies for the project. ● Maintains regular status and reporting of activity progress contained within the project schedules. ● Prepares actual and forecast assessments of schedule progress for all project phases. ● Works directly with construction contractors in planning weekly and monthly detail work plans ● Conducts weekly schedule reviews with construction contractors. ● Prepares management level reports displaying curves, graphs and other pertinent statistical information
Октябрь 2008Сентябрь 2009
1 год

Испания, www.tecnicasreunidas.es/es/

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Project Engineer
Khabarovsk Refinery Hydro processing Project ● Coordinate all work effort in delivering the business objectives for the client. ● Prepare monthly contract reports detailing technical and budgetary information as applicable. ● Coordinate all shutdown activities including preparation of detailed shutdown plans, manning profiles, material listings, engage the services of vendors and issue of progress reports. ● Prepare technical reports as required. ● Prepare work packs as required. ● Prepare engineering change proposals as required. ● Ensuring that processes and procedures are maintained and updated as necessary for the contract. ● Manage the engineering functions on the project, including Third Party Design; ●Co-ordinate the engineering activities involved in the preparation of proposals, ensure clients requirements are met and support; ●Design reviews
Октябрь 2007Август 2008
11 месяцев

Южно-Сахалинск, www.woodgroup.com

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Construction Interface Engineer
Sakhalin Energy Investment Company’s (SEIC) Technical Support Services Contract (TSS) based in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Island, Russia. Project scope involves engineering and modification works to the following offshore & onshore SEIC facilities. • Piltun –Ashtokskoye A – PA-A (Molikpaq platform); • Piltun –Ashtokskoye B –PA-B Offshore platform; • Lunskoye A (Lun A) Offshore platform; • Offshore & onshore pipelines; • Onshore process facility, LNG Plant & Oil export terminal. My duties are as follows. • Co-ordination and requisition of piping materials; • Preparation of piping fabrication scopes of work and accumulation of piping engineering deliverables for construction work packs. • Attend site project technical meetings; • Assist with project planning schedules; • Monitor and control all material requirements ensuring compliance to SEIC requirements; • Verification of material certificates; • Inspect and audit third party Vendors off site; • Ensure project scope is carried out in accordance to approved ITP; • Monitor supplier and contractor’s quality assurance and quality control activities; • Monitor welding, piping and structural activities during fabrication stage; • Radiographic interpretation and NDT report review; • Witness hydro testing of completed piping spools; • Ensure all coating applications are completed to SEIC specifications; • Witness acceptance tests and perform final quality / dimensional checks prior to acceptance of completed fabrications and equipment.
Август 2007Октябрь 2007
3 месяца

Азнакаево, www.transneft.ru/

Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Operations technician pipeline Lead
Operation of the 6 oil pipelines with different diameters and total length over than 800 km. Checking the passage of diagnostic devices and clearing shells on a site of the pipeline near station. Inspection of the PIG launcher/receiver condition. Work directly at the pump station and on the pipelines. Write reports about the done work, make diagrams and plans about forthcoming works. Check technical condition of the pipelines and valves, carry out the technical repair of the pipelines and pipeline equipment.
Январь 2007Март 2007
3 месяца

Южно-Сахалинск, www.sakhalinenergy.ru

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Pipeline/Piping Inspector (internship)
My duties: check of a welds quality by various methods (visual welding inspection, radiographic inspection, ultrasonic inspection etc.); check of the pipeline insulation quality ; check of painting quality and conformity of painting; hydrotest control; isometric control, petroleum equipment. Perform inspections by visual observation, measuring or NDT techniques. Supervise welding activities, i.e. welding specifications and welders' qualifications and certificates. Direct the activities and check the works of contractors involved in mechanical construction works on behalf of the client. Prepare monthly progress reports verifying work done during the month and work in progress, together with comments on quality and recommendation on required improvements as appropriate.
Июль 2006Август 2006
2 месяца

Южно-Сахалинск, www.sakhalinenergy.ru

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Pipeline/Piping QA/QC Inspector (internship)
My duties: check of a welds quality by various methods (visual welding inspection, radiographic inspection, ultrasonic inspection etc.); check of the pipeline insulation quality ; check of painting quality and conformity of painting; hydrotest control; isometric control, petroleum equipment. Perform inspections by visual observation, measuring or NDT techniques. Supervise welding activities, i.e. welding specifications and welders' qualifications and certificates. Direct the activities and check the works of contractors involved in mechanical construction works on behalf of the client. Prepare monthly progress reports verifying work done during the month and work in progress, together with comments on quality and recommendation on required improvements as appropriate.


Уровни владения навыками
Project management
APM Civil Engineering
Quality Control
Construction Management
Oil And Gas
Английский язык

Опыт вождения

Имеется собственный автомобиль

Права категории B

Обо мне

Achievement 2007 First place on 58 English scientific and technical conferences of the students, post-graduate students and young scientists. 2007 Third place on 58 scientific and technical conferences of the students, post-graduate students and young scientists when I was studying on the fifth course. 2005 First place on 56 scientific and technical conferences of the students, post-graduate students and young scientists when I was studying on the third course. 2004 Third place on 55 scientific and technical conferences of the students, post-graduate students and young scientists when I was studying on the second course. 2002 Third place on University Olympiad on physics in 2002. One from the 3 students in our university who have LUKOIL scholarship for scientific and research work. Scientific and Research Work Determination of stress-deformed state of the pipelines laid in the difficult engineering-geological conditions. 3 published theses of reports Additional Skills Office equipment operation. Advanced PC user. (MS Office, MS Visio, KOMPAS, AutoCAD) Category “B” Driving License.

Высшее образование

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
PhD, PhD
Moscow Business School
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
Designing, construction and operation of oil and gas lines and storages”, Engineer/Master
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
Speciality “Manager of Oil and Gas Business”, Manager/Bachelor

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

ИспанскийA1 — Начальный

ФранцузскийA1 — Начальный

Повышение квалификации, курсы

Gazprom Corporate Univesity
Gazprom Corporate Univesity, Construction and renovation project management
Institut français du pétrole, IFP
Institut français du pétrole, IFP, Precommissioning, Commissioning & Start-up
Russian Management School
Russian Management School, Construction Project Manager
NEBOSH, International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
Institut français du pétrole, IFP
Institut français du pétrole, IFP, Project Management
Fast Oil Spill Team (FAST)
Fast Oil Spill Team (FAST), The Oil Pollution Preparedness Response and Co-operation (OPRC).
Attestation Center
Attestation Center, Welding Engineer 2nd level
Institut français du pétrole, IFP
Institut français du pétrole, IFP, HSE in Surface Processing Operations
International SOS
International SOS, Basic First Aid
Institut français du pétrole, IFP
Institut français du pétrole, IFP, Static Equipment
PM Expert
PM Expert, «Project Management in a company. Standard PMI PMBOK Guide 2008»
Foundation Centre for Economics and Commercial Studies CECO, Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade ICEX, Madrid
Foundation Centre for Economics and Commercial Studies CECO, Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade ICEX, Madrid, Foreign Professionals Training Course.
Transneft, Foremen courses of site maintenance.
Centrer of studying foreign languages
Centrer of studying foreign languages, Foreign Languages courses
Transneft, Work authorization to the activity in electric facility with the 1000V voltage as a technical superintendent.
Transneft, Safety industrial training.
Gas oil center
Gas oil center, Slinger courses.
Gas oil center
Gas oil center, Gasoline Station Supervisor Courses

Тесты, экзамены

Foreign Language Centre, Intermediate level certificate

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Россия

Разрешение на работу: Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения