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Мужчина, 39 лет, родился 6 сентября 1985

Активно ищет работу

Москва, м. Ботанический сад, готов к переезду (Австралия, Австрия, Бельгия, Великобритания, Венгрия, Германия, Дания, Ирландия, Испания, Италия, Канада, Кипр, Латвия, Литва, Люксембург, Нидерланды, Новая Зеландия, Норвегия, ОАЭ, Польша, Португалия, США, Санкт-Петербург, Турция, Финляндия, Франция, Хорватия, Черногория, Чехия, Швейцария, Швеция, Япония), готов к командировкам

Указан примерный район поиска работы

art-director / creative producer

220 000  на руки

  • Дизайнер, художник

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа, стажировка

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа

Опыт работы 8 лет 1 месяц

Декабрь 2013Март 2018
4 года 4 месяца


Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

⤑ Designer (2014) ⤑ Art-director (2015) ⤑ Creative producer (2017) ⤠
Started working as a web / adv / digital designer in global-marketing production department. ☍ Created WEB / promo sites, marketing campaigns, promo / POS / SMM / materials, digital videos, game services. 
 Until July 2015. 

 Was promoted to Art Director (marketing department), managing a department of ⪸8 designers at the start. 
By 2017, I led the department with already 16 designers, animators and developers. My team and me were a multidisciplinary and multifunctional department of strategy, branding, creative and user experience, global marketing campaigns, video productions, UI/UX and graphic designs. 
 ▶︎ Presentation: https://readymag.com/artlav/prod-demo-artlav/
 ♨︎ Rebranding Game Insight corporate https://readymag.com/artlav/GameInsight-intro /
Strategy / Naming / Positioning / Logo / Identity / Communication
 ✚ Corporate sites, social networks, services, games marketing
 http://www.game-insight.com/stream/ http://cloudraiders.ru/ ☂︎ Created the new visual style and redesign of one of the biggest events in the mobile games industry in Europe — Live Mobile Congress 2014 (links)
 Usability Audit / Landing Pages / Websites / Apps (iOS, Android, web) / Other Interfaces (ATMs, ERPs) 
⚑ Created worldwide game portal/forum/wiki (web&mobile) for the global launch of our new title.

In 2017 I was promoted to Creative producer (gamedev, UI/UX design and art-direction our game titles). 
 My projects:
 ✱ Guns of Boom — mobile online PvP Action (https://itunes.apple.com/app/guns-of-boom/id1179715015)
 — art-direction, UI/UX design interfaces, marketing campaigns, made new content (storyline and characters), Invented cool and monetization mechanics, designed&developed AR mode. Worked closely with narrative designers, artists, and coders 
◦ ✦ Airport City — mobile city-builder. https://readymag.com/artlav/Airportcity-interactive/
 https://vimeo.com/238572929 https://vimeo.com/238580670 and a few more... NDA, sorry.
Март 2013Декабрь 2013
10 месяцев
Narr8® — interactive publishing mobile app

Россия, narr8.me

Искусство, культура... Показать еще

art-director and CG-artist
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GUFzdPxDBM ✕ Created and published weekly interactive series (nonfiction) in four languages (RU, EN, SP, KO) — mobile/tablet/app https://vimeo.com/262930591 https://vimeo.com/264644260 ✕ UI/UX, interactive design, selfmade illustrations, animations, 
worked with 2 teammates (designer and copywriter)
Март 2010Апрель 2013
3 года 2 месяца
Binn — digital-agency (CRM S.Builder)


Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

web designer ➝ art-director
Designed and developed web & mobile sites, apps. Create presentations for clients. Grow up from web designer to art-director. Worked with outsource teams. Create about 30 sites/apps/interactive presentations.


Уровни владения навыками
Launching new products
Digital Marketing
Креативные концепции
Навыки презентации
Adobe After Effect
Web Application Development
Research And Development
Разработка нового продукта
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Английский язык
Графический дизайн
Организаторские навыки
Исследование бренда
Маркетинговые стратегии
Работа в команде
Организация мероприятий
Start-up project
Грамотная речь
Ведение переговоров
Подбор персонала
Моделирование бизнес процессов

Обо мне

______ ABOUT ME ______ https://readymag.com/artlav/prikolyxa-vmesto-priveta/ https://readymag.com/artlav/coverletter/ https://readymag.com/artlav/artdirection2010-20/ 
______ GI ______ 
https://readymag.com/artlav/prod-demo-artlav/ https://readymag.com/artlav/GI-anotherversion/
 https://readymag.com/artlav/2018-plans/ https://readymag.com/artlav/GameInsight-intro/ 
______ HUMANTEQ _______ https://readymag.com/artlav/b2b-q/ https://readymag.com/artlav/beresnev-creative-ads/ ______ GAMES _______ https://readymag.com/artlav/re-factory https://readymag.com/artlav/freakgames-research/ https://readymag.com/artlav/gob-ui/ https://readymag.com/artlav/Gob-AR/ https://readymag.com/artlav/Gob-bank/ https://readymag.com/artlav/Guns-of-Boom/ https://readymag.com/artlav/MOBA-review/ https://readymag.com/artlav/face-anim-guns-of-boom/ ______ DU projects _______ 
https://readymag.com/artlav/awem-games-2 https://readymag.com/artlav/du-videos-enggmnt/ https://readymag.com/artlav/1680390/
https://readymag.com/artlav/forwakeapp/ https://readymag.com/artlav/du-hi/ https://readymag.com/artlav/showreal2021 https://readymag.com/artlav/re-plika/ _marketing_ https://readymag.com/artlav/Tlgrmvsfbgoverment/ https://readymag.com/artlav/forwakeapp/ https://readymag.com/artlav/artdirection2010-20/ https://readymag.com/artlav/olsvet/ VIDEOS ADS and more from GI https://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.com____ 
https://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.com https://vimeo.com https://vimeo.com https://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.com____
 https://vimeo.com https://vimeo.com https://vimeo.com https://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.com https://vimeo.com https://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.com____
 https://vimeo.com https://vimeo.com/95409432 https://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.com https://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.com https://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.com
https://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.com UI prototypes dinamic https://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.com https://vimeo.com https://vimeo.com https://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.com https://vimeo.com https://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.com
https://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.comhttps://vimeo.com По выходным — digital artist (https://www.instagram.com/artlavrn/) курю, пью (белое сухое), занимаюсь спортом*


Высшее образование

BHSAD. British Higher School of Art and Design.
BA (Hons) Design in an interactive environment, digital designer

Знание языков


АнглийскийB2 — Средне-продвинутый

Повышение квалификации, курсы

BHSAD, art-direction

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Россия

Разрешение на работу: Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения