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Male, 30 years, born on 17 August 1994

Offered a job, is now deciding

Moscow, I want to relocate (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Kaliningrad Oblast, Canada, Cyprus, Leningrad Oblast, Moscow Oblast, Murmansk Oblast, Netherlands, Novgorod Oblast, Norway, Portugal, Pskov Oblast, Republic of Karelia, USA, Saint Petersburg, Smolensk Oblast, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Aleksei Dolgikh Digital Product Head of QA pipeline &workflow auto. ITIL, OSS, CICD, Doc/Spec

99 999  in hand

  • Chief information officer (CIO)
  • Other
  • Product manager
  • Chief operating officer (COO)
  • Project manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work, volunteering, work placement

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 12 years 7 months

May 2020currently
4 years 11 months

Ireland, unicornwitnesses.com/OurPresentation

CVO Scout VC Aleksei Dolgikh Glocal nonprofit community of socially relevant digital product creators
Official web resources of nonprofit tech community organized by teammates and me, yours truly is one of the founders: https://unicornwitnesses.com & https://new.unicornwitnesses.com 📈 Achievements ❤️ Co-founded the glocal non-profit community join us: https://discord.gg/hKQc8SX9zP to help & teach people create socially relevant digital products. The community is growing fast, now community have 14 core teammates focused on digital government & creating the public good. Teaching free people to immerse themselves in the digital world using best practices from ITIL. Helped my mum to become a blogger and get rid of depression, now she writes every day about what she loves and is completely happy with her life! ✅ Built processes for attracting specialists to the team and worked out a workflow for the introduction into the context of the team in Notion, compiled a development strategy for 10+ years. More than 10 people are being interviewed to the team at the same time and every 2 months 7 people are added (!). All roles are described in the requirements management system and CV/Resume are written by teams from the discipline (designers/developers/financiers/skewers/translators/others) ✅ It took $25,000 of my money to build a team of 17 person in 20 months and I think this is a huge achievement, we lost only 4 people who did not leave the technical community but left the core team. ✅ We have found ways to work with 1.2 million commercial organizations that support non-profits, such as TechSoup (working with 68 countries), CNCF and other large companies and associations. More in pitch deck 😉 https://unicornwitnesses.com/OurPresentation 🦄
September 2018currently
6 years 7 months
Self Employed (Aleksey Dolgih) (alexdolbun.com)


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

REMOTE (SQA) Team lead of software quality assurance, quality control and test automation
URL https://alexdolbun.com 📈 Achievements 🔥As Head QA: Innovate, design, automation and maintenance of quality processes in the teammate workflow: 60+ people in team creating 3 products, 13+ people in my quality team, 100+ business processes, 1000+ microservices. ✅ I have successfully implemented the requirements management system many times and convinced my teammates of its effectiveness in retrospectives and one-on-one conversations. The positive experience was evidenced by the decrease in lost context and the many times increased activity in the requirements management system. ✅ Development of cross-platform and cross-browser auto-validation (horizontal and vertical) ✅ Improvement of user behaviour by means analysis of BDD scripts ✅ Building a behavioural map (similar to a site map) with the designation of critical places in the product ✅ Development of aids for test data management (creating fake media data for product testing) ✅ Finding and connecting to projects of popular open source solutions in automated testing (for mock, fake, and compare different media data type) ☑️ Post Mortem - meeting after an incident (crash/bug) and figuring out how to strengthen certain parts of the architecture ✅ Continuous checks on the viability of the sale and sending alerts to all interested parties to further motivate the quality team ✅ Ongoing training of teammates ✅ Implemented the approach: "Requirements and Template Management System as a way to reduce the cost of risk ✅ Successfully implemented "workflow data as artefacts", "infrastructures as a code", "all key features as micro digital products" approaches to teammates 6 Scrum teams 💰 I’m give skills that be useful to the OUR teammate 💪🏼 Strong Software Quality Assurance (Reliability engineering, Efficiency, Security, Maintainability, Size) 🗣 Agile, Scrum, Kanban, BDD/ATDD 🔄 Continuous integration (CI) / delivery (CD) pipeline (Jenkins, TFS, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Gitlab, AWS, DO, etc.) 🤖 Test Automation (Selenium, Appium, Selenium-Grid, Serenity, Selenide, WebDriver, JBehave, Cucumber, Specflow SwdPageRecorder, Cypress, Atata, robot framework, other screen analyze lib, etc.) 🧩 Development (OOP, Java, CSharp, Python, SQL, XML, RegExp, XPath, HTML, CSS, JSON, DOM, JavaScript, Maven, Gradle, Pip, Chrome and other DevTools, etc.) 🧬 GIT (Git, GitHub, GitLab, GitBash etc.) ⌨️ IDE (IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Atom, Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, DataGrip etc.) 🧾Software Requirements Management (Confluence, Miro, etc.) 🗂 Project management system (Jira, TFS, Asana, etc.) 📚Knowledgebase (Confluence, Wiki, other documentation generators, etc.) 1️⃣ Unit test (JUnit, TestNG, unit test, etc.) 🏗 Containerization (Docker, Kubernetes, Aerocube tools (Selenoid, MP), Browser (Chrome, FF, Opera etc.) and OS (iOS, Android, other Unix-like, Windows etc.) in the container, etc.) 🆗 Acceptance testing (Selenide, Thucydides, Robot Framework, etc.) 📝 Automated reporting (Allure, Cucumber report other need team collaboration software integration etc.) 🎉 Performance testing (System-wide analytics, Yandex tank (and different tools inside), Jmeter, N-Stalker, etc.) 👻 Proxy/sniffer (BrowserMobProxy, LittleProxy, Jmeter, etc.) 🦾 API (Postman, Swagger, REST-assured etc.)
November 2018June 2020
1 year 8 months

Novosibirsk, vlprojects.pro/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

QA automation.
In progress
August 2018September 2018
2 months

Krasnodar, app-smart.com/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Software quality assurance automation engineer (SQAA)
Use skills and utility: Jira • Scrum • BDD TDD • Test case development • Bug tracking • Mobile application testing (Android&iOS) • Website testing • Test automation • Java • Requirements analysis My main activity was to study documentation and understanding of business processes with parallel manual testing of the product by the black box method. I started the process of description and formation of the test set in the storage of test steps for further automation. After three weeks of work, I had to leave the organization for personal reasons (death of a close relative). I expressing my gratitude to the guys for their work and understanding and a great experience.
October 2016August 2018
1 year 11 months
МРГ Технологии (быв. АНТ Информ)

Russia, mrgt.ru/

Electronics, Tool Engineering, Household Appliances, Computers and Office Equipment... Show more

Software quality assurance engineer (SQA)
Official company URL: https://mrgt.ru/ "SCADA ANT" product URL: https://mrgt.ru/product/programmnoe-obespechenie/programmnyy-kompleks-scada-ant/ Participated in quality assurance process with development "supervisory control and data acquisition" (SCADA) under the name "SCADA ANT". Achievements: Automated work of product technical support for a large number of everyday human hours; Satisfying customers' needs quality business processes; Execution of all deadline. Duties: Quality assurance; Work in project management environments such as TFS, TeamCity, Trello; Work in Visual Studio; Create a test case; Create a test suite; Acceptance test; Setting goals; Prioritization; Validation; Verification; Writing analytics on C# / Analysis of C # code; Working with SQL profiler and SQL management studio; Test desktop and web GUI; Administration of Windows networks; Organization of test stands; Stress Testing; Security testing; Working with VBS and PowerShell; Improving knowledge in Agile/Scrum/Kanban; Reading incredible numbers of logs; Examining the protocols of exchange and etc.
April 2016September 2016
6 months

Russia, www.nvg.ru/en/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Testing engineer
URL: http://www.nvg.ru/en/ Achievements: The high-quality closing of a large number of test cases; Gaining in-depth knowledge of the software life cycle and applying it to the more optimized closure of the tasks; Compliance with all deadlines. Skills: Validation; Verification; Error detection; Functional testing; Regression testing; Writing PL/SQL queries; Work in Toad for MySQL; Work in the Microsoft Visual Studio; Work in Microsoft Test Manager; Work in SoapUI; Implementation of test cases; Increasing the skill level; Corporate training and etc.
September 2012September 2016
4 years 1 month
Kuban State University

Krasnodar, kubsu.ru/en

Graduated Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics (Geomatics). URL: http://giskubsu.ru/ There I received a fundamental knowledge of bachelor and got practices knowledge in many skills in Python, C#, Java, C/C++, SQL, Mathematics, Algorithmics, Data-structures & etc. Two times took 1st place at the annual science week. Catching at the university from 2013 to 2016 studying OpenCV (C++) computer vision library I spent 2 performances at conferences on this topic. Proof URL: https://dis.krasnodar.ru/news/common/s/common/e/8264
September 2013July 2014
11 months
Kuban State University (KubSU)

Krasnodar, www.kubsu.ru/

Educational Institutions... Show more

Electronic computer operator in the GIS computer laboratory
Duties and responsibilities: > Install the software > Maintain records of computer use > Tracking the correctness of the software and its modules > Update software and its modules > Testing the correctness of the software modules > Testing the correctness of the software > Serving the local computer class network > Rectify faults in software and its modules Achievements: In the computer class couples were from 8:00 am and ended at 19:40. In this regard, the self-development and self-study could spend a lot of time so I knew the TCP/IP, XML and XSLT, HTML, Qt (PyQt & PHP-Qt), Python, PHP, BASIC and many other development tools and protocols. Uninterrupted software update


Skill proficiency levels
Advanced level
Digital product management
Strategic Management
Requirements management system
Quality assurance pipeline management
Business Development
Business Strategy
Agile Project Management
Digital product market vision
Globalisation management
Open source maintenant
Nonprofit tech
CAT-system management
Root cause analysis
Auction theory, new auction formats
Computer since
Computer science
Level not specified
Game theory & big number
Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Search Engine Marketing
Schema.org OGP.me

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

Team and people are the most important thing for me, no matter what product I work on, so I ask you to send information about the people I'm going to field to this MAILTO:CVO@UNICORNWITNESSES.COM 😉 In assuring the quality of all processes in the software lifecycle, I try to follow the rule of deep insight. I always collect all the information I have on the inherited processes from people, in documentation or specifications and try to turn all the information into mine. I am fond of formalizing business processes and finding points in them, improving or automating which my team will get the maximum benefit. In my life, I follow the principle of "Keep it simple stupid", when “stupid" about the attitude between the fact that everything breaks down and the complexity of the necessary repairs. Most often I make a description for the work to be done, trying to find out from the maximum number of interested parties how they will be comfortable reading later written by me. I use hotkeys and gestures a lot, constantly exploring the market of such extensions and updates to the operating systems for new ones. I study browsers with their engines, workers & drivers to interact with them. I am very interested in implementing them in containers to scale their number while covering END2END with tests of different platforms & interact with bots: Google Bot, Bing Bot, Baidu Spider, Yahoo Bot, Alexa Bot, Apple Bot, Facebook Bot, Twitter Bot, Pinterest Bot, DuckDuckGo Bot, Coccoc Bot, Yandex Bot, Telegram Bot, Kiwi Status Spider, Naver Spider, Sputnik Bot, Petal Bot, Aspiegel Bot, Seznam Bot, Sogou Bot, DuckDuckGo Bot, Rackspace Bot, Pingdom Bot, WebPageTest.org crawlers, StatusCakeBot, Nutch-based Bot, Genieo Web filter, etc. I believe that inspection is very important in quality assurance and testing, so I am constantly studying how others build TEST PLANS, TEST CASES, TEST CYCLES, PERSONAL BEHAVIOURAL SCENARIOS. I really like to interact with user experience designers, analysts and developers and to get ideas from them to describe behavioural scenarios, it's a very curious process. https://alexdolbun.com

Higher education (bachelor)

Kuban State University (KubSU), Krasnodar
Geographical, Geoinformatics



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

ИнтерКарто-ИнтерГИС – 21
ЗАО «СевКавТИСИЗ» и ООО «НК «Приазовнефть», "ГИС" "Геоинформационные системы"

Tests, examinations

Self-education by Aleksei Dolgikh
Self-employed Aleksei Dolgikh, Pipeline quality assurance & ITIL

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Other, Russia, UAE, Uzbekistan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter