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Москва, готов к переезду (Австралия, Азербайджан, Беларусь, Великобритания, Грузия, Другие регионы, Индонезия, Казахстан, Канада, Кыргызстан, Новая Зеландия, Норвегия, ОАЭ, Республика Зимбабве, Россия, США, Таиланд, Узбекистан, Украина), готов к командировкам

Фото скрыто соискателем

Указан примерный район поиска работы

JavaScript & PHP: VUE & Laravel - Full Stack Web DEVeloper

160 000  на руки

  • Программист, разработчик

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа, волонтерство, стажировка

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 11 лет 7 месяцев

Ноябрь 2017по настоящее время
7 лет 5 месяцев
Место работы скрыто соискателем
̶L̶e̶a̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ 👉Main Specialist
In the company in production, we use the following technology stack: 1) JAVASCRIPT - 60%; 2) php/laravel - 20%; 3) other - 10% 4) ms sql server 2017 (t-sql) - 5%; 5) nodejs/cmd/- 5%; 6) c# - 0.1% 🌻 In ᖴᖇOᑎTEᑎᗪ I using: 🎉 VUE.js 2, 📇 vue-cli 3, 📑 ES5-8, 💼 npm, 📦 Webpack, 🛍️babel, 🤸flexbox, 🌸 scss. 🤖 [̲̅b̲̅][̲̅a̲̅][̲̅c̲̅][̲̅k̲̅][̲̅e̲̅][̲̅n̲̅][̲̅d̲̅]: php7, ms sql server (t-sql) SCM: Git, github, gitlab => p.p.s.::: So, what I'm doing now: I get the task: fix something, implement some function on the site (such as output of content with filters from the database, or the ability to attach video / photo with the conversion of format and resolution, make the site available offline (but this task is still in the plans)) , I consult with colleagues and do as it were at my discretion (i need to understand a little bit about the sphere), then my work is checked by the tester, then - the feature gets to the test site, where users (from different countries) test a new feature. If everything is OK, then the corrections are added to the site on the next Monday. I edit these edits through the remote desktop (WINDOWS SERVER), or via FTP / local network (you can at least directly through the conductor (UNC)). We have websites associated with the inspection of ships. The company is private, but the main customer is the state (Ministry of Transport Transport). Users are civil servants. It turns out that these are corporate websites. Nevertheless, I try to publish some of my work on Github with screenshots/videos. Then sometimes I look in my Github and copy what I need in other projects. Most of the code-base is written in php, t-sql, xml, xslt, c# (just for support SOAP-services which we use for getting data from database), jquery. Because everyone understands that it is necessary to update and, moreover, I have no desire to delve into the archaic table-layout and xml (xslt-templates) (although, it is necessary when rewriting the conditions), So, instead of archaic, I try to be in a trend and use all the most up-to-date, I use pure js (without jquery), es5, ecma6 - 8 (of course with babel'em, and sometimes with polyphiles), vuejs2.5, and also php 7, c # (it is for communication with the database: [WSDL-> SOAP -> ms sql server 2017]). When I use VUEJS, I use the component approach (see example - https://github.com/kostia7alania/photos-fetch-to-flex-table/tree/master/src).
Январь 2015по настоящее время
10 лет 3 месяца
Место работы скрыто соискателем

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

🌏 J̰S̰-̰F̰r̰ḛḛl̰a̰n̰c̰ḛr̰
I write scripts on JavaScript for the automation of various processes: collecting (parsing) information, bypassing google recaptcha v2. The level of ownership of JS can be estimated by Github: https://github.com/kostia7alania?tab=repositories https://github.com/kostia7alania/scripts (scripts for imacros)
Август 2018Ноябрь 2018
4 месяца
Место работы скрыто соискателем

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Frontend dev 🔧🔨🔩🔪🔫🔬🔭🔮💠💡💢💣💤💥💦
Project work (building frontend part of the single (multi) page application for "loan processing" in Raiffeisen Bank International)
Март 2017Август 2017
6 месяцев
Место работы скрыто соискателем

Финансовый сектор... Показать еще

IT Specialist / Marketer 🧙‍♂️
Building Landing pages & corporate websites & doorways with Wordpress and multilanguage support; - CPA-networks / CPA-trackers / conversion tracking - SEO - youtube doorways I wrote a script to search for sites in GOOGLE and DUCKDUCKGO: the script found the sites for certain requests, could bypass the captcha or changed the proxy, analyzed the found sites for various parameters to meet the required criteria, also represented the site analytics (Similarweb), domain registration date, and the main feature script in that it automatically in the report substituted for site contacts on which it is already possible automatically to dispatch. He also negotiated with partners in Russian and English, tested certain hypotheses in Adwords, FB, IG, VK. I learned also: - Configuring "bulletproof hosting" VPS (on windows SERVER 2012 R2 and IIS); - Teamwork; - Creation of smart html5-banners (on Adobe animate EDGE); - monitoring and suppressing the negative about the company; - Hidden marketing on the forums (crowder marketing); - technical support of the company's website (interaction with hosting, content placement, troubleshooting in the work); - worked with foreign CPA networks, Marketgid, Adcash, Propellerads; - TDS-trackers, key collector, swSpyBrowser, Imacros.
Март 2016Март 2017
1 год 1 месяц
Место работы скрыто соискателем

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

System/Web Master 📖
Creation and promotion of the company's website. Maintenance of computer equipment and office equipment. Installing and configuring the software on users' computers. Technical support of users on work with software and office equipment. Accounting for equipment, spare parts, consumables laying LAN to new jobs. ***************** I also learned to develop websites (Opencart, Wordpress), fix errors in HTML/CSS, SEO site optimization, title, description, keywords, h1-h6, meta and etc...
Декабрь 2013Декабрь 2015
2 года 1 месяц
Место работы скрыто соискателем

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Computer Engineer
Service Engineer. Departure to customers. Repair and adjustment of IT (computers, laptops, phones, tablets and etc).
Сентябрь 2013Декабрь 2013
4 месяца
Место работы скрыто соискателем

Товары народного потребления (непищевые)... Показать еще

Sales Representative 🚼
standard functions:(


Уровни владения навыками
Средний уровень
Уровень не указан
CMS Wordpress
MS SQL Server
Настройка ПК

Обо мне

In school, I attended judo and football training (at the same time), so I did not finish high school as an excellent student! Then I finished a bachelor's degree in a red diploma and a master's degree in Moscow (in MPEI) While studying at MPEI, I studied such technology as: Python, MS Acess, jQuery, Bootstrap. At that time, my favorite language became JS (which I started to study in school at the 2008 year). I study myself and the world around me. I aspire to create&develop. Characteristics: 1) from the 1 Uniresity: https://pp.userapi.com/c845520/v845520788/53960/0esYADeoXnE.jpg Regalia: https://sun1-11.userapi.com/c824502/v824502426/192832/VGRCf1mA4N0.jpg 2) from the 2 nd University: https://sun1-19.userapi.com/c824502/v824502426/19281f/8TtxaKM6vCk.jpg ================ ================ ================ ================ -> LATEST NEWS: -> September 2018: Started learning English in BeFreeSchool (offline); -> December-January 2018-2019: First travel: Israel, Palestina, Jordan, Turkey; -> January 2019: Started remote learning English in SkyEng (online)


Высшее образование

Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI)
Electronics and Nanoelectronics, Industrial Electronics
North Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (State Technological University), NCIMM (STU)
Electronics and Nanoelectronics, Industrial Electronics

Знание языков


АнглийскийB2 — Средне-продвинутый

ОсетинскийC2 — В совершенстве

Повышение квалификации, курсы

SEO courses
Academy of SEO
IET, Python for research purposes

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Россия

Разрешение на работу: Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения