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Was online more than two weeks ago


Female, 35 years, born on 8 February 1990

Not looking for a job

Saint Petersburg, willing to relocate (Germany, Denmark, Spain, Cyprus, China, Norway, USA, France, Sweden, Japan), prepared for business trips

Product Owner / Game Producer

15 000 $ in hand

  • Game designer
  • Product manager
  • Producer
  • Project manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 15 years 4 months

August 2021currently
3 years 8 months


Metaverse studio director
Act as TOP Manager in Software development studio: - People hiring - Setting up long term goals - Product quality control - Setting up the pipelines - Communication with remote developers and studios - Communication with clients - Communication with shareholders - Conflict solving.
March 2018August 2021
3 years 6 months
Helio LTD


Lead game designer
- Jira and confluence owning - People resources management - Concepting new features - Verification work of other designers - Game economy - Providing game vision to the team https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.heliogames.westland&hl=ru&gl=US https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.heliogames.pirates&hl=ru&gl=US
June 2017March 2019
1 year 10 months

Cyprus, cubicgames.com/

Lead Game Designer
Games: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=last.craft.pixel.survival https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hide.seek Full cycle of mobile game development. Start from concept, push to realease, support and add features. As a game designer i working with core game mechanics. - Craft system, - PVE system, - PVP system, - Narrative - Quest system - Characteristics - Motivational mechanics - PVE and PVP ballance - Content management - Monetization Hard work and improving statistic - LTV - R1, R7, R30 - Convertion Etc...
January 2016January 2019
3 years 1 month
Shockapp (Indie developers)

Saint Petersburg

Lead Game Designer
Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/528460/Rogalia/ I and my friends created this game for steam. I was Game Designer there and I got vast of experience as Game Designer with this project! That was indie project and after it all of us found jobs in different IT companies. For now our leader working in Norway, I’m in Cyprus and other people in different places. This is my first game witch I created from zero to release. Game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dgs.bhop Supercasual-hardcore game. 60-65% Retention day-1 Game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shockapp.zombie FPS mobile game. Game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.PGFStudio.Mageward Roleplaing clicker with addictive gameplay
April 2012January 2016
3 years 10 months

Saint Petersburg, www.shtox.com

Public Services... Show more

Lead product designer
Creating new design for production Making PR company Exhebitions: Maison & Objet. Ambiente and other
June 2004September 2006
2 years 4 months

Saint Petersburg

Public Services... Show more

Quest designer
- Quest concepts - Dialogues - Quest logic - Design - Writer


Skill proficiency levels
Leadership Skills
Google Docs
Unreal Engine
Autodesk 3ds Max
Team management
Project management
Tasks Tracking Sytems
Atlassian Confluence
Atlassian Jira
source tree
Agile Project Management
Presentation skills
Английский язык
Управление проектами

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

portfolio: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.heliogames.westland&hl=ru&gl=US https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.heliogames.pirates&hl=ru&gl=US https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=last.craft.pixel.survival https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hide.seek https://store.steampowered.com/app/528460/Rogalia/ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dgs.bhop https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shockapp.zombie https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.PGFStudio.Mageward https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shockapp.tet3d&hl=ru&gl=US https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shockapp.hoprace&hl=ru&gl=US Intro I’m 30 and I’ve got wife and cat. My life start’s in Russia, Saint-Petersburg. For now, I’m live and work as game-designer. My hobby is computer games. The computer games entered in my life from very beginning. First - consoles, then PC. It always was most important part of my life. I can’t remember single day without playing the games. During childhood it was just for fun, but over time I start to consider games with a critical eye. And I started to ask myself: Why this game made as it is? How do this mechanics affect the gameplay? What happens if you remove this mechanics? Why this game is interesting or not for me? Why developers added this mechanics in game? And many other questions in the same directions… Cybersport In 2001, the popularity of Internet cafes is growing in Russia, and I became its regular visitor. That was my first look on cybersport. From this moment I played in the most popular cybersport disciplines like Quake, Counter-Strike, StarCraft, Warcraft 3, participated in local and international competitions and took prizes. When DOTA was launched as WC3 custom map I started to play it. For those time the game wasn’t so popular but I saw its potential and my assumptions were confirmed. I played dota since 2004 to 2007, our team won some international championships and then I leave this game. After DOTA I start to play MMOs: Lineage, ultima online, Ragnarok, Guild Wars, WOW, etc… World of Warcraft was last game which I played as professional. For long time our guild Exorsus was TOP-1 by wowprogress.com Then I start to stream my games: Diablo 3, Heartstone and some others. But it wasn’t professional streaming, just for fun. Education After High school I study in Saint-Petersburg University of Aviation devises and complexes. But I left it because I got invitation for a good job. Jobs in the past Since 2006 I work as designer in different organizations. I start as layout designer and then was promoted to major designer of Russian branch of German company “SHTOX Gmbh.” While working as designer I got vast of experience in 3d and 2d graphic. But I wanted to be a game-designer for sure. Anyway, my knowledge of Photoshop, Corel Draw, 3d’s Max and other soft helping me a lot! Game design My very first experience in game design was in 2003. I played browser MMO strategy game “Pentacore”. Contacted with game developers I asked them to add small text-based quests in game and offer them few variants of quests. They accept my offer and I start to wrote other quests for this game. Unfortunately, the game is closed for now. In 2015 I was invited as game designer to the indie game project. My jobs were to write documentations: design documents and technical documents. Also my job was to connect the artists and developers. Starting in 2017, I moved to Cyprus and work here as Game designer and junior project maganer. Our company specializes in mobile games. Such as Pixel gun 3d, Hide & seek, Block city wars, etc… Our last project – Last Craft just released and there is much remains to be done. Anyway it shows very high potential and I hope we will realize it. Warcraft 3 all I want to say about this game - many top mobile games have appeared thanks to the map editor! And not just mobile! As you can see MOBA genre exist because of it =) World of Warcraft This game will be in my heart forever… I played WOW for 10 years and I can’t stop enjoying it. I changed many towns and countries but my PC with installed WOW always with me. I can write a novel about this game if it’s really necessary. The game is amazing in almost every separated part! This game started new age for PC and MMO games.


Secondary special education

St. Petersburg College of Aviation Instrumentation and Automation
Aviation devices and complexes



EnglishB1 — Intermediate

GermanA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

3d max
The Herzen Institute
MS Office
The Herzen Institute

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter